
    Selection and design of the methods for wetting feed coal before separation

    • 摘要: 基于原料煤选前润湿的重要性,通过对润湿液的选择和润湿方式的比选分析,结合选煤工程实践经验,设计出一种更为高效的原料煤选前润湿方式——锯齿混合板+旋流喷射润湿。该方式能够将原料煤与合格悬浮液充分混合,提供稳定的密度场及离心力场,为原料煤的高精度分选创造有利条件。


      Abstract: In view of the importance of the prewetting of feed coal before its separation, a more efficient wetting mode using toothed mixing plates plus swirl jetting is developed through optimum selection of wetting liquid and comparative analysis of different wetting methods, and by reference to the practical coal preparation plant engineering experience. The use of this method can ensure thorough mixing of feed coal and qualified medium suspension and provide stable density field and centrifugal force field, thus creating a favorable condition for high-precision separation of coal.


