
    Design and application of the belt vulcanizer working platform of belt conveyor

    • 摘要: 为了解决主暗斜井内带式输送机胶带接头硫化困难的问题,设计出一种胶带硫化器工作平台。生产实践表明:在胶带硫化器工作平台与硫化器上下硫化板配合使用时,硫化器上硫化板的移动实现了机械化操作,胶带接头硫化效率提高,工人劳动强度降低,这对解决类似问题具有一定借鉴意义。


      Abstract: In order to overcome the difficulty in vulcanization of the joints of belt of the belt conveyor used in the main blind inclined shaft, a belt vulcanizer working platform is developed, The platform works in combination with a set of upper and lower vulcanizing plates and its operation is mechanized for the use of movable upper plate. The use of the platform has led to higher belt vulcanization efficiency and greatly reduced labor intensity. This may serve as a reference for tackling similar problems.


