
    Comparative analysis of horizontal vibrational-discharge centrifuge and vertical scraper-discharge centrifuge

    • 摘要: 卧式振动卸料离心脱水机和立式刮刀卸料离心脱水机是目前我国选煤厂煤炭脱水的主要设备,这两种设备各具特点。在对这两种离心脱水机的结构组成、工作原理、技术特点分析的基础上,对比两者的异同,以期为离心脱水机的合理选择提供借鉴。


      Abstract: The horizontal vibrational-discharge centrifuge and vertical scraper-discharge centrifuge are currently the main dewatering equipment used in China′s coal preparation plants, and each type has its distinctive features. Following a description of the structural design, working principle and technical features of each version, a comparative analysis is made of the similarities and differences of the two kinds of centrifuges, in an attempt to provide a reference for the optimal selection of dewatering centrifuge.


