
    Practice of capacity expansion renovation at the coal preparation plant of Shanxi Shenzhou Coal Co. Ltd.

    • 摘要: 为适应矿井生产能力提高和煤质变化,山西神州煤业有限责任公司选煤厂在现有生产系统和设备的基础上,进行了扩能改造和生产工艺优化。技术改造完成后,选煤厂洗选能力可达到1.20 Mt/a,净增0.6 Mt/a,进而完善了炼焦煤洗选工艺环节,确保了系统运行的可靠性,提高了煤炭产品的市场竞争力。


      Abstract: In order to adapt to growth of mine output and change of raw coal property, work is made capacity expansion and process optimization of the coal cleaning systems and equipment in current use at the plant. Practice shows that the technical transtormation has led to increase of plant capacity to 1.2 Mt/a, a net growth by 0.6 Mt/a, perfection of coking coal washing processes, higher reliability of washing systems and higher market competitiveness of products.


