
    Application of the WJG-15000 rotor-type thermal dryer at Xinjing Mine Coal Preparation Plant

    • 摘要: 为了解决新景矿选煤厂煤泥产品水分高、黏度大的问题,在对煤泥特性分析的基础上,采用WJG-15000型旋翼式干燥机对其进行干燥提质处理。生产实践表明:煤泥经过干燥提质后,水分由25%~30%下降到9%~13%,发热量由16.74 MJ/kg提高到19.95 MJ/kg,干燥提质效果明显。


      Abstract: The coal slime product of the plant is high in moisture content and viscosity. For tackling this problem, the WJG-15000 rotor-type dryer is selected for upgrading the product, based on analysis of the property of the slime. Practice shows the use of the dryer has yielded very good result as evidenced by the drop of the moisture of the product from 25%-30% to 9%-13% and the rise of its calorific value from 16.74 MJ/kg to 19.95 MJ/kg.


