
    Renovation of the small coal treatment system at Tangjiahui Coal Preparation Plant

    • 摘要: 为了解决唐家会选煤厂末煤处理系统弧形筛筛板磨损严重、更换不便的问题,根据现场实际情况,结合现有技术对末精煤、末矸石缓冲箱和弧形筛进行改造。生产实践表明:在对缓冲箱和弧形筛改造后,筛板使用寿命大大延长,安装更换时间减少,检修效率和安全性提高,重介系统介质消耗降低。


      Abstract: In order to tackle the problem relating to severe wear of screen plates of sieve bend, and the inconvenience in their replacement, work is made on the renovation of the cleaned small coal and refuse buffer boxes and sieve bends in line with the specific operating conditions of the plant, with the use of the technologies currently available. Practice shows that the renovation has led to much longer service life of screen plates, less time required for fitting and replacing plates, higher maintenance efficiency and operating safety, and reduced medium consumption.


