
    Application of the XJM-KS45 mechanical agitation flotation machine at Xinjulong Coal Preparation Plant

    • 摘要: 为了解决新巨龙选煤厂浮选系统存在的问题,采用XJM-KS45型机械搅拌式浮选机代替K-FV50NS充气式浮选机,并对浮选系统进行优化。生产实践表明:XJM-KS45型机械搅拌式浮选机投入应用后,浮选系统制约生产系统产能释放的问题得到解决,重介精煤“背灰”现象大幅减少,总精煤产率提高,为企业带来了可观的经济效益。


      Abstract: In order to solve the problems encountered in the operation of the plant's existing flotation system, the XJM-KS45 mechanical agitation flotation machine is selected for use instead of the K-FV50NS pneumatic flotation machine, and work is made on optimization of the flotation system. Practice shows that with the use of the XJM-KS45 flotation machine, the restriction on increase of production capacity imposed by flotation system is eliminated. Other advantages include much less necessity to reduce the ash of heavy medium separated clean coal to a level lower than necessary, increased yield of combined clean coal and noticeable economic benefit for the plant.


