
    Exploration and application of the technique for increasing the percentage of lump coal in run-of-mine of Chengzhuang Mine

    • 摘要: 块煤是晋煤集团综合效益最好的产品,为了提高煤矿井下块煤产率,晋煤集团成庄矿通过优化综采工作面设备与工艺、改造毛煤运输各转载环节、增设井下煤仓外螺旋溜槽等措施,使进入选煤厂的毛煤块煤率累计提高了4.95个百分点,获得了可观的经济效益。


      Abstract: Lump coal is a product that can bring a highest comprehensive economic benefit for the mine. For increasing the percentage of lump coal, the following technical measures are adopted: optimization of fully-mechanized face equipment and working process; upgrading of various belt conveyor transfer points; and installing external spiral chute for underground coal silo. Through the adoption of the measures, the accumulative percentage of coarse raw coal feed to coal preparation plant is increased by 4.95 percentage points, yielding considerable economic returns.


