
    Upgrading design of the existing coal slurry water treatment system in decentralized layout

    • 摘要: 针对煤泥水系统多套小型浓缩设备布局分散,导致运行效率低下的现状,高庄煤业有限公司选煤厂进行了工艺布局和控制方式的提效设计,创新设计了尾煤泥水“一段串联二段并联”的高效浓缩工艺,建立浓缩压滤逻辑化控制、信息化综合管理控制平台。结果表明:该提效设计减少了尾煤泥水的无效循环,提高了设备的协同利用率和煤泥沉降效率,浓缩、压滤系统实现无人值守。


      Abstract: The existing coal slurry water treatment system of the plant used to be low in efficiency because of the scattered layout of a multiple of small-sized thickening equipment. To address this issue, through redesign of process equipment layout and control mode, an innovative high-efficiency tailing water thickening process featuring the use of equipment connected in series for the first stage and in parallel for the second stage is finally developed. The thickeners and filter presses are all working under logic control through informationized integrated management and control platform. Practice shows that through the upgrading design, there can be seen much reduced volume of tailing water in inefficient circulation, Increased utilization rate of equipment working in coordination and slurry settling efficiency. And the thickeners and filter presses are made possible to operate in an unattended manner.


