张嘉云, 杜军, 王亚健, 孙玉伟, 张鹏飞, 公绪文, 王治帅. LXA1000螺旋分选机在山西潞安余吾矿选煤厂的应用[J]. 选煤技术, 2018, 46(6): 70-74. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2018.06.016
    引用本文: 张嘉云, 杜军, 王亚健, 孙玉伟, 张鹏飞, 公绪文, 王治帅. LXA1000螺旋分选机在山西潞安余吾矿选煤厂的应用[J]. 选煤技术, 2018, 46(6): 70-74. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2018.06.016
    ZHANG Jiayun, DU Jun, WANG Yajian, SUN Yuwei, ZHANG Pengfei, GONG Xuwen, WANG Zhishuai. Application of the LXA1000 spiral separator at Yuwu Coal Preparation Plant of Lu′an Group, Shanxi Province[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2018, 46(6): 70-74. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2018.06.016
    Citation: ZHANG Jiayun, DU Jun, WANG Yajian, SUN Yuwei, ZHANG Pengfei, GONG Xuwen, WANG Zhishuai. Application of the LXA1000 spiral separator at Yuwu Coal Preparation Plant of Lu′an Group, Shanxi Province[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2018, 46(6): 70-74. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2018.06.016


    Application of the LXA1000 spiral separator at Yuwu Coal Preparation Plant of Lu′an Group, Shanxi Province

    • 摘要: 阐述了螺旋分选机的分选原理及特点,介绍了LXA1000型螺旋分选机的优点及在山西潞安集团余吾矿选煤厂的应用。生产实践表明,螺旋分选机的精煤产率为82.59%,不完善度为0.18,分选数量效率为97.5%,粗煤泥经螺旋分选机的分选效果良好,经济效益可观。


      Abstract: Following a description of the working principle and technical features of spiral separator, an introduction is made to the advantages of the LXA spiral separator and its application at Yuwu plant. Practice shows the separator works remarkably well, with a clean coal yield, imperfection and organic efficiency being 82.59%, 0.18 and 97.5% respectively, bring about for the plant considerable economic benefit.


