
    Study of the shallow-bath heavy medium separator′s lower size limit of separation in relation to medium suspension upward flow velocity

    • 摘要: 利用ANSYS FLUENT软件对浅槽重介分选机内部的液-固多相流系统进行数值模拟,通过引入150~6 mm的颗粒,利用耦合离散相模型对颗粒在槽体内部的运动轨迹进行研究。研究表明,改变上升流速度的大小,测定颗粒在X方向、Y方向上位移大小的差异,从而得出浅槽重介分选机中悬浮液上升速度和分选下限的关系。


      Abstract: Numerical simulation is made of the liquid-solid multiphase flow system in the shallow-bath heavy medium separator using the software ANSYS FLUENT. After introduction of the 150~6 mm particles into the separator, the trajectory of the motion of the particles in the bath is investigated with the use of the coupled discrete-phase model. Through measurement of the different displacements of particles in the X-direction and the Y-direction when the medium suspension varies inupward flow velocity, the relationship between the separator′s lower size limit of separation and the medium suspension upward flow velocity is derived.


