
    Application of the new-type KD flotation collector at Linhuan Coal Preparation Plant

    • 摘要: 论述了目前我国煤泥浮选药剂的使用现状,存在问题以及开发新型环保、高效煤泥浮选捕收剂的急迫性。针对临涣选煤厂入选原煤的煤质,进行了煤质分析和可浮性分析,通过对入浮煤泥的接触角、表面官能团和润湿热等性质的研究,确定了新型高效环保型浮选药剂的配方,利用均匀试验对配方进行了优化,测定了涉及环保、高效、职业健康有关的理化指标,通过实验室试验和现场工业性试验表明,该捕收剂高效、环保、对人体无害,优于目前使用的其他煤泥浮选捕收剂。


      Abstract: The paper starts with an introduction to the present state in the application of the reagents for flotation of fine coal, the problems encountered, and the urgent need to develop the environmentally-friendly high-efficiency flotation collector, and then goes to analyze the property and flotability of the fine coal based on the property of Linhuan Plant′s raw coal feed. The formula for preparing the new-type environmentally-friendly high-efficiency collector is defined based on the study of the property of the fine coal feed, such as the contact angle, surface functional group and wetting heat, and the formula is then optimized through uniformity test. The physico-chemical parameters in relation to environmental protection and occupational health are also determined. As evidenced by both laboratory and industrial test, the collector developed is environmentally-friendly, high in efficiency and harmless to health, and proves to be superior to the collectors currently used for fine coal flotation both at home and abroad.


