
    Effect of dispersant on properties of coal slime water slurry

    • 摘要: 选取两种煤质的煤泥,分别添加低成本改性木质素、高成本萘磺酸盐分散剂制浆,测定浆体流变特性、定粘浓度、流动性、稳定性等指标,分析分散剂的影响。结果表明:不同分散剂对不同煤泥煤浆的特性有不同影响,萘磺酸盐对煤泥煤浆分散性好、降粘强,但浆体稳定性差;改性木质素对煤泥煤浆分散性较差,但浆体稳定性较好、粘度较大。复配分散剂并非能显著提高所有煤质煤泥煤浆的定粘浓度,但对流动性和稳定性影响较大,性价比较高。今后可对木质素提纯再改性,并将分散剂不同比例复配,研发分散剂与其他添加剂复配及适应性强的添加剂。


      Abstract: The study is made with 2 kinds of slurry prepared with coal slime of different properties using respectively low-cost modified lignin and high-cost naphthalene sulfonate as dispersant. Then an analysis is made of the effect of dispersant on the rheological property, fixed-viscosity concentration, flowability and stability of each kind of slurry. Study result shows that the two dispersants vary in influence. With the use of naphthalene sulfonate as dispersant, the slurry prepared exhibits a better dispersion and much lower viscosity yet a relatively poor stability, while the use of modified lignin as dispersant can yield a quite contrary result—less satisfactory dispersion, better stability yet higher viscosity. It is observed that when both kinds of slurry are prepared with the use of the 2 dispersants in combination, neither slurry shows necessarily a noticeable increase in fixed-viscosity concentrate yet the fluidity and stability of both slurry are significantly improved. The use of the mixed dispersant is high in performance-cost ratio. In the future, it is considered to have the lignin modified after it first undergoes purification and have the two dispersants mixed in different proportions. Work will also be made on the use of the dispersants in combination with other additives and the development of highly adaptable additives.


