
    The technique for fitting up and installation of the NTB45Y rake thickener of Linhuan Coal Preparation Plant

    • 摘要: 为了解决NTB45Y型浓缩机老化及由此引发的一系列问题,根据现场生产需要,在对其装配方案优化的基础上,现场对该浓缩机整体进行安装更换。生产实践表明:优化后的装配施工方案可以有效地加快施工进度,规避施工错误,减少二次返工,一定程度上降低了成本,提高了效率和效益,满足生产需要。


      Abstract: There have been seen a series of problems with the operation of the NTB45Y rake tthickener because of its ageing. To tackle the problems and in line with the plant′s specific operating conditions, an optimized technical scheme is adopted to replace the thickener in an integral manner. Practice shows that the use of the technique can meet the production requirements and is high in efficiency with a favorable economic result because of the acceleration of the thickener erection progress, elimination of fitting errors, reduction of reworking and cut-down to a certain extent of erection cost.


