
    Practice of renovation of the flotation system of Lyulin Coal Plant

    • 摘要: 为了解决浮选效果差、浮选指标控制难度大的问题,吕临能化公司选煤厂结合浮选工艺和设备的实际情况,在不新增任何设备的前提下,将一次浮选工艺改造为二次浮选工艺。生产实践表明:浮选系统改造后,取得了良好效果,不仅解决了浮选系统存在的问题,提高了浮选生产的灵活性,且使浮选精煤产率提高了8.09百分点,增加了企业经济效益。


      Abstract: Because of the low efficiency of the flotation system of the plant, the quality indice of the flotation products are difficult to control. To tackle this problem and in line with the actual conditions of the flotation process and equipment currently used, the primary-only flotation process is converted to a primary + secondary one without adding any new equipment. Field application of the renovated system has met with remarkable result as evidenced by not only elimination of the previous troubles and improvement of flexibility of flotation system, but also a rise of yield of flotation concentrate by 8.09 percentage points, bringing about a favorable economic benefit for the plant.


