
    Technical renovation and field application of the coal slime thermal drying system at the No.2 Mine of Yangquan Coal(Group) Company

    • 摘要: 针对阳泉煤业集团二矿选煤厂煤泥干燥系统设备运行不正常、尾气排放不达标、处理量小等问题,对煤泥干燥系统进行分析与改造,采用旋翼式干燥机烘干工艺。实践表明,煤泥干燥后符合掺配电煤的技术指标,尾气排放达到了环保要求。


      Abstract: The No. 2 Mine′s Coal Preparation Plant of Yangquan Coal (Group) Co. Ltd is facing the trouble that the existing slime drying system is abnormal in operation and low in capacity and its exhaust emissions are not up to the specified standard. To solve the problem, work is made on the renovation of the system based on analysis of the causes of the troubles, and finally the rotary-vane dryer is used in place of the drum version. Practice shows that the dried product can well meet the technical requirements for use as power coal blend and the exhaust gas emission is up to the specified standard.


