
    Exploration of the approach for the production of grade-5 clean coal at Fucun Coal Preparation Plant

    • 摘要: 为了生产适销对路的产品,付村选煤厂从原煤准备、洗选和储运环节管控、协同作业效率提高、考核制度落实、设备维护强化五个方面齐管共抓,最终生产出了炼钢用低灰低硫产品——五级精煤,不仅丰富了产品结构,且充分发挥了“付村煤”的品牌优势,实现了订单式选煤。


      Abstract: In order to be able to produce the saleable coal products that can find a ready market, improvement work is made by the plant through joint effort with the stress simultaneously laid on the following 5 aspects: improvement of raw coal pretreatment process, improvement of management of coal cleaning, storage and handling operations, improvement of the efficiency of cooperation between different departments, practice of the check-up policy, and intensification of equipment maintenance. Through the improvements the plant is finally made possible to produce the grade-5 clean coal product—a low-ash low-sulfur steelmaking coal. This enables the plant to have a greater variety of products, make the most of its brand advantage and become possible to realize order production.


