
    Study and practice optimization of structure of product of Antaibo Coal Preparation Plant

    • 摘要: 针对安太堡选煤厂原煤煤质逐年变差的状况,结合< 8mm粒级原煤的煤质特征,对原煤筛分系统进行了改造,并分析了改造效果和经济效益。生产实践表明:将原煤分级粒度由13 mm降为8 mm,并对相关环节进行调整后,筛板使用寿命延长,产品综合产率提高,煤泥产量和絮凝剂用量减少,不仅可完成装车任务,且进一步提升了企业的经济效益。


      Abstract: Because of the deterioration of the quality of the plant′s raw coal feed year by year, work is made on the technical transformation of the raw coal screening system based on the property of the < 8 mm raw coal and the effect as well as the economic efficiency obtained through the renovation are analyzed. Practice shows that through lowering the classification size of raw coal from 13 mm down to 8 mm and adjustment of related process links, there have been seen a prolonged service life of screen plates, increased aggregative yield of products, reduced yield of coal slime and consumption of flocculants. This not only ensures that the out-loaded coal is up to the required standard, but also brings forth further improved economic benefit for the plant.


