冀有俊. 利用太西无烟煤制备活性炭及其应用[J]. 选煤技术, 2019, 47(3): 30-34,38. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2019.03.006
    引用本文: 冀有俊. 利用太西无烟煤制备活性炭及其应用[J]. 选煤技术, 2019, 47(3): 30-34,38. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2019.03.006
    JI Youjun. Application of the activated carbon prepared with anthracite produced from Taixi Coal Mine[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2019, 47(3): 30-34,38. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2019.03.006
    Citation: JI Youjun. Application of the activated carbon prepared with anthracite produced from Taixi Coal Mine[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2019, 47(3): 30-34,38. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2019.03.006


    Application of the activated carbon prepared with anthracite produced from Taixi Coal Mine

    • 摘要: 从物化性质、分子结构以及孔隙结构三方面分析太西无烟煤的特性:物化性质上太西无烟煤属下侏罗纪延安统汝箕沟组,灰分低,经过洗选灰分可降到3%以下,且煤灰成分中主要以促进水蒸气与碳反应的Fe2O3、CaO、Al2O3、MgO等金属氧化物为主,利于后期的活化加工;分子结构以比较大的缩合芳香核为主(环数在10个以上),含有少量的烷基侧链以及各种杂原子官能团,结构单元之间的桥键数量较多,大分子有序结构排列适中,化学反应活性比较高;原煤孔隙结构发达,以有序的微孔体系为主。这些特性表明太西无烟煤是制备活性炭尤其是气相吸附炭的优质原料,并从液相吸附、气相吸附以及催化剂载体三方面介绍了其应用,对今后的发展与改进方向提出了建议。


      Abstract: Analysis of the property of Taixi anthracite is made from the physiochemical, molecular structure and pore structure aspects.As viewed from the physicchemical property of Taixi anthracite, it belongs to Rujigou group, Yanan series of Lower Jurassic period.It is low in ash content which can be lowered to less than 3% through cleaning.The ash is mainly composed of metal oxides like Fe2O3, CaO, AI2O3 and MgO which can facilitate coal activation process in later stage because of their ability to promote activation reaction.The molecular structure is predominantly made up by relatively large condensed aromatic nucleus (number of rings > 10) with few side chains and various heteroatomic functional groups.There exist a large number of bridgings between structural units.The micromoleculars assume an ordered structure and arrangement, exhibiting a relatively high chemical reaction activity.The pore structure of the coal is in good development and composed mainly of ordered micropore systems.The characteristics of the Taixi coal as described above well demonstrate that it is a quality material for preparing charcoal, particularly gas-adsorbent activated carbon.Its applications as gas absorber, liquid absorber and catalyst carrier are also introduced.Finally, the author points out the direction of the future research work and the way to expand the scope of application of Taixi charcoal.


