吕立辉. 坚持科技兴企 推进创新发展——太原选煤厂六十年科技兴企发展历程[J]. 选煤技术, 2019, 47(5): 1-5. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2019.05.001
    引用本文: 吕立辉. 坚持科技兴企 推进创新发展——太原选煤厂六十年科技兴企发展历程[J]. 选煤技术, 2019, 47(5): 1-5. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2019.05.001
    LYU Lihui. Persistence in invigoration of enterprise through science and technology and promotion of innovation-driven development——the course of invigoration of Taiyuan Coal Preparation Plant through science and technology over the past 60 years[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2019, 47(5): 1-5. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2019.05.001
    Citation: LYU Lihui. Persistence in invigoration of enterprise through science and technology and promotion of innovation-driven development——the course of invigoration of Taiyuan Coal Preparation Plant through science and technology over the past 60 years[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2019, 47(5): 1-5. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2019.05.001

    坚持科技兴企 推进创新发展——太原选煤厂六十年科技兴企发展历程

    Persistence in invigoration of enterprise through science and technology and promotion of innovation-driven development——the course of invigoration of Taiyuan Coal Preparation Plant through science and technology over the past 60 years

    • 摘要: 介绍了太原选煤厂建厂六十年来紧跟国家经济及煤炭行业发展形势,以市场需求为导向,坚持技术创新,持续引进新技术、新设备,新工艺,多次开展大规模技术改造,实现生产能力从200万t到300万t、300万t到450万t两次大飞越,依靠科学技术创新发展煤炭主业;面对新形势提出了打造“三大基地”、发展“四大产业”的工作思路,坚持转型谋发展的奋进历程。


      Abstract: An introduction is made in the paper to the course of the development of Taiyuan Coal Preparation Plant since its founding 6 decades ago. By closely keeping abreast of the situation of the growth of the national economy and the coal industry, the plant has undergone many times of large-scale technical renovation with market demand as guidance and through persistence of technological innovation and incessant introduction of new technology, new equipment and new processes. Through the efforts made, the capacity of the plant has gained 2 times of skyrocketing rises first from 2 Mt/a to 3 Mt/a and then from 3 Mt/a to 4 Mt/a. The plant will persist in the innovation-driven development preparation as the core. In the face of the new challenges, the idea of the development of 3 large bases and 4 industrial sectors and seeking development of the plant with unremitting efforts by shifting the business mode is proposed.


