刘亿, 郭崇涛, 杨晓鸿, 袁明朋, 朱金波, 刘海增. 临涣选煤厂高含矸原煤优化处理实践[J]. 选煤技术, 2019, 47(5): 89-91. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2019.05.022
    引用本文: 刘亿, 郭崇涛, 杨晓鸿, 袁明朋, 朱金波, 刘海增. 临涣选煤厂高含矸原煤优化处理实践[J]. 选煤技术, 2019, 47(5): 89-91. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2019.05.022
    LIU Yi, GUO Chongtao, YANG Xiaohong, YUAN Mingpeng, ZHU Jinbo, LIU Haizeng. The practice of optimized treatment of the raw coal with high dirtcontent at Linhuan Coal Preparation Plant[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2019, 47(5): 89-91. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2019.05.022
    Citation: LIU Yi, GUO Chongtao, YANG Xiaohong, YUAN Mingpeng, ZHU Jinbo, LIU Haizeng. The practice of optimized treatment of the raw coal with high dirtcontent at Linhuan Coal Preparation Plant[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2019, 47(5): 89-91. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2019.05.022


    The practice of optimized treatment of the raw coal with high dirtcontent at Linhuan Coal Preparation Plant

    • 摘要: 针对临涣选煤厂入选原煤煤质及可选性波动较大,原有三产品重介质旋流器出现入料粒度上限小,原煤含矸量高时排矸能力不足、重悬浮液入口压力高、功耗高等问题,改用新型原煤重介质旋流器后,> 0.5 mm各粒级和综合级的精煤产品的可能偏差均小于0.05 kg/L,数量效率均超过了98%,表明原煤得到了高效分选;0.5~0.25 mm粒级可能偏差为0.097 kg/L,旋流器的分选下限已达到0.25 mm;吨煤电耗仅为0.96 kWh,实现了节能降耗的目的,提高了系统处理量,提高了系统工作效率、稳定性及可靠性;提高了重介质旋流器的入料粒度,提高了排矸能力,减轻了原煤准备环节的压力,改善了职工工作环境;降低了悬浮液入料压力,减少了设备和管道的磨损,降低了运行维护费用,便于生产管理。


      Abstract: Because of the wide fluctuation of raw coal property and washability, Linhuan Coal Preparation Plant is facing a series of problem in the operation of its 3-product heavy medium cyclone. These include, among others, low upper size limit of feed, insufficient reject discharge capacity in the case of treating a raw coal feed having a high content of dirt, high heavy medium inlet pressure, high power consumption, etc. After switching to the use of the new-type raw coal heavy medium cyclone in place of the version originally used, it is observed that: in separation of each size fraction and the composite size fractions of the > 0.5 mm coal, the ecart probable epm and organic efficiency is unexceptionally below 0.097 kg/L and over 98%, well demonstrating the high-efficiency separation of raw coal; in separation of the 0.5~0.25 mm size fraction, the epm value is as low as 0.097 kg/L, and the cyclone can wash down to a size of 0.25 mm; the power consumption per ton of raw coal treated is reduced to 0.96 kWh, well meeting the targeted energy conservation objective; and the cyclone system can work with a much higher capacity, efficiency, stability, reliability, a larger feed size and reject discharge capacity. Other attractions include lessening of workload of raw coal pretreatment process, improvement of working environment, reduction of medium inlet pressure, less wear of equipment and process pipes, cutdown of operating and maintenance costs, and convenient production management.


