黄海峰, 谌托, 王守强. 干法分选设备在淮北矿业集团的应用[J]. 选煤技术, 2020, 48(1): 34-38,47. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2020.01.008
    引用本文: 黄海峰, 谌托, 王守强. 干法分选设备在淮北矿业集团的应用[J]. 选煤技术, 2020, 48(1): 34-38,47. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2020.01.008
    HUANG Haifeng, SHEN Tuo, WANG Shouqiang. Application of the dry cleaning machine at Huaibei Mining Group[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2020, 48(1): 34-38,47. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2020.01.008
    Citation: HUANG Haifeng, SHEN Tuo, WANG Shouqiang. Application of the dry cleaning machine at Huaibei Mining Group[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2020, 48(1): 34-38,47. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2020.01.008


    Application of the dry cleaning machine at Huaibei Mining Group

    • 摘要: 随原煤矸石量的不断增加,提出采用先进的干法分选设备对矿区原煤进行选前排矸处理,以有效缓解生产和环保等压力,降低洗选加工成本,提高设备自动化水平。以淮北矿区原煤为研究对象,详细剖析了FGX复合式干选机、ZM矿物高效分离机和TDS智能干选机三种先进干法分选设备在淮北矿业集团原煤排矸的实际效果,并对比分析了三种设备的技术优势及存在问题。现场工业应用和中试结果表明,FGX复合式干选机最佳分选粒级是50~6 mm,且适用于选前预排矸或降灰幅度不大的动力煤分选;TDS智能干选机入料范围为300~25 mm,可用于替代手选;ZM矿物高效分离机入料范围为100~0 mm,可用于发热量提高幅度不超过6.28 MJ/kg动力煤分选,且对块煤的分选效率要高于末煤。


      Abstract: In view of the continuous increase of the proportion of gangue in raw coal, it is proposed to remove the waste in raw coal prior to its washing using sophisticated dry cleaning equipment for relieving the pressure of increasingly expanding capacity of coal cleaning plant and environmental protection, cutting coal cleaning costs and enhancing automation level of the plant. The raw coal produced in Huaibei Mining Area is taken as the object of study. An in-depth analysis is made of the dirt removal effectiveness actually obtained by using 3 types of dry cleaning machines respectively, i. e. the FGX compound separator, the ZM high-efficiency separator and the TDS intelligent raw coal destoning separator, as well as their respective features and drawbacks. As evidenced by both industrial and pilot-scale test, the FGX version can treat a feed most preferably in a size range of 50-6 mm and is suitable for preliminary deshaling of raw coal or separation of power coal whose ash content is not required to be reduced by a big margin; the TDS separator can effectively treat a feed with a size of 300-25 mm and can be used in place of handpicking; the ZM separator can effectively treat a feed of 100-0 mm and is suitable for separation of power coal whose calorific value is not required to exceed 6.28 MJ/kg, and for separation of coarse coal, its efficiency is higher than that for small coal.


