秦宇臻. 马头洗选厂打造绿色选煤企业的探索与实践[J]. 选煤技术, 2020, 48(1): 43-47. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2020.01.010
    引用本文: 秦宇臻. 马头洗选厂打造绿色选煤企业的探索与实践[J]. 选煤技术, 2020, 48(1): 43-47. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2020.01.010
    QIN Yuzhen. Exploration and practice of turning Matou Coal Preparation Plant into a green one[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2020, 48(1): 43-47. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2020.01.010
    Citation: QIN Yuzhen. Exploration and practice of turning Matou Coal Preparation Plant into a green one[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2020, 48(1): 43-47. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2020.01.010


    Exploration and practice of turning Matou Coal Preparation Plant into a green one

    • 摘要: 为缓解日益增加的环保压力,打造绿色选煤企业,马头洗选厂采取了一系列有效措施,如建设中水引用系统,采用马头城镇污水处理厂的中水进行选煤生产;新建独立的污水处理站,集中处理厂区生活污水;实施雨污分流系统改造,合理利用初期雨水,确保选煤生产用水平衡;采取负压收集、安装布袋除尘器等粉尘治理措施,对粉尘污染严重区域进行有组织排放等,从而取得了明显的环境治理成效,且社会效益和经济效益良好。


      Abstract: In the face of the ever-increasing challenge imposed by the requirement of environmental protection, a series of effective measures as follows are adopted by Matou Coal Preparation Plant in a bid to turn the plant into a green one: addition of the system for reuse of treated wastewater; use of the treated wastewater from Matouchengzhen Wastewater Treatment Plant as coal washwater; addition of a separate wastewater treatment system for centralized treatment of domestic sewage from plant area; addition of separate rain water and wastewater collection systems for maintaining equilibrium of washwater through rational use of first rainwater; adoption of more effective dust control measures with the use of bag collectors working under negative pressure, and discharge of dust in dust-concentrated areas in an organized manner. Adoption of the above-going measures has obtained tangible environmental protection result, bringing about favorable social and economic benefits for the plant.


