苏强. 母杜柴登选煤厂增设末煤洗选系统必要性分析[J]. 选煤技术, 2020, 48(3): 57-60. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2020.03.013
    引用本文: 苏强. 母杜柴登选煤厂增设末煤洗选系统必要性分析[J]. 选煤技术, 2020, 48(3): 57-60. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2020.03.013
    SU Qiang. Analysis of the necessity of adding a small coal washing system at Muduchaideng Coal Preparation Plant[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2020, 48(3): 57-60. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2020.03.013
    Citation: SU Qiang. Analysis of the necessity of adding a small coal washing system at Muduchaideng Coal Preparation Plant[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2020, 48(3): 57-60. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2020.03.013


    Analysis of the necessity of adding a small coal washing system at Muduchaideng Coal Preparation Plant

    • 摘要: 针对母杜柴登选煤厂生产现状,对该厂煤质情况、产品质量、市场需求、环保要求、企业效益等方面进行分析,探讨了增设末煤洗选系统的必要性。通过经济效益估算表明,增设末煤洗选系统可提高末煤质量,提升产品灵活性,可提高企业经济效益和市场竞争力。


      Abstract: The paper starts with an introduction to the present production condition, and then goes to analyze on the raw coal property, product quality, market demands, environmental protection requirements and economic performance, and particularly the need for the addition of an small coal washing system. As indicated by economic estimates, the addition of the small coal washing system can lead to upgrading of small coal product, higher flexibility of products, improved economic performance, and higher market competitiveness.


