赵永亮. 中兴矿选煤厂洗选系统工艺检测与优化[J]. 选煤技术, 2020, 48(3): 61-64. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2020.03.014
    引用本文: 赵永亮. 中兴矿选煤厂洗选系统工艺检测与优化[J]. 选煤技术, 2020, 48(3): 61-64. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2020.03.014
    ZHAO Yongliang. General check-up and optimization of the washing systems of Zhongxing Mine Coal washery[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2020, 48(3): 61-64. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2020.03.014
    Citation: ZHAO Yongliang. General check-up and optimization of the washing systems of Zhongxing Mine Coal washery[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2020, 48(3): 61-64. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2020.03.014


    General check-up and optimization of the washing systems of Zhongxing Mine Coal washery

    • 摘要: 为了解决煤泥水处理困难的难题,中兴矿选煤厂采用国家或行业相关标准对选煤厂进行了全面的检测与研究。研究发现,困扰选煤厂浮选难题的原因源自重介或煤泥水系统中设备和工艺的不合理应用,结合选煤厂生产实际情况,针对性地提出优化脱介筛喷水、改造脱泥筛入料端溜槽布置、改造轴封水系统等措施改善系统用水量,同时优化煤泥水工艺,主要去除工艺中的恶性循环环节,大幅降低工艺的循环系数,再以一些辅助措施将浮选入料的浓度和粒度均控制在合理范围。生产实践表明,改造后该厂浮选效率提升,突破了重介系统的处理能力限制,降低了煤泥水处理系统的负荷,保障了系统的平稳、优质运行。


      Abstract: In order to overcome the difficulties in treating the coal slime water, a general check-up and study of the washing processes is conducted according to coal preparation related national or industrial standards. It is found through the study that the irrational application of equipment and processes of heavy medium or coal slurry treatment system is the source of the long-standing troubles besetting the plant′s flotation system. In line with the actual specific conditions of the plant, a series of targeted improvement measures are adopted as follows: optimization of spray system of medium draining screen, reform of arrangement of the chute at the inlet end of the desliming screen, and improvement of shaft sealing water system, for reducing water consumption, optimizing slime water treatment system, eliminating or dramatically reducing any inappropriate process cycle and controlling flotation feed pulp density within a reasonable range with the aid of some complementary measures. Practice shows that the renovation work has made it possible for the plant to improve flotation efficiency, lift restriction on capping the capacity of heavy medium washing system, ease the load on slime water treatment system, ensure the reliable and smooth operation of overall washing systems.


