符东旭, 岳丽荣, 张晓涛, 李海涛. 浮选试验标准不适应性讨论[J]. 选煤技术, 2021, 49(1): 1-27. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2021.01.001
    引用本文: 符东旭, 岳丽荣, 张晓涛, 李海涛. 浮选试验标准不适应性讨论[J]. 选煤技术, 2021, 49(1): 1-27. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2021.01.001
    FU Dongxu, YUE Lirong, ZHANG Xiaotao, LI Haitao. A discussion about the inapplicability of the flotation testing related standards[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2021, 49(1): 1-27. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2021.01.001
    Citation: FU Dongxu, YUE Lirong, ZHANG Xiaotao, LI Haitao. A discussion about the inapplicability of the flotation testing related standards[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2021, 49(1): 1-27. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2021.01.001


    A discussion about the inapplicability of the flotation testing related standards

    • 摘要: 浮选试验标准的根本作用是确定浮选“参数”与浮选“效果”的对应关系。为分析现行浮选试验标准的适应性问题,通过对新老浮选标准进行解读,并结合试验,指出了现行浮选标准存在的不适应性,如系统性较差、存在互相矛盾以及不适应生产实际的情况,从而使浮选效果评定缺乏整体性,主要体现在两方面:一是将无法获得理想分选误认为煤炭可浮性既包含内在特性又受浮选工艺、参数的影响;二是传统的浮选效果评价指标——数量效率和完善指标意义不明确。为此,在阐明理想分选条件下获得的产率-灰分关系曲线就可反映可浮性这一观点后,从现行的三个可浮性试验标准分析入手,对如何获得理想分选效果进行了一系列探索试验,得出了一些重要的结论,明确了需要遵循的原则,并给出了可浮性试验的流程和操作条件。在此基础上,进一步分析了现行浮选工艺效果仅依据数量效率或完善指标评定的不足,提出了应对浮选入料、浮选精煤、浮选尾矿分别进行“理想分选试验”得到各自的灰分组成,从而获得“基元灰分”“精煤灰分误差”“数量效率”“总错配物含量”“精煤污染”“尾矿损失”等综合评价指标。此外,为实现对煤粉可浮性以及浮选工艺效果的客观评定,还提出了采用“邻近灰分±1.0含量”“最高灰分物含量”“高于基元灰分物含量”等指标来表征煤粉可浮性。最后,对现行标准提出了修订意见。


      Abstract: In order to analyze the applicability of the flotation testing related standards currently in effect, the paper presents an interpretation of both the old and the newly-formulated standards, and points out, based on the results of analysis and practical testing, that the existing standards are inapplicable in such aspects as poor systematicness, mutual contradiction and nonconformity with the practical production situations.These result in consequently the lack of integrity in making assessment of flotation performance, which is reflected mainly in two aspects: one is that the inability to achieve the desired flotation effect is mistakenly attributed to flotability and it is believed that flotability has its inherent characteristics and is subject to the effects of flotation process and operating parameters; and the other is that the meanings of organic efficiency and perfection indices based on which the flotation performance evaluation indicators are derived are not clearly defined.To address the issue, the principle of taking the yield vs ash curve as the flotability is proposed.Following an analysis of the three current flotability standards, a series of exploratory tests are conducted on the way to obtain an ideal flotation effect.Through the tests, several important laws are brought to light, the principles which need to be followed are clearly defined, and the process flowsheet and operating conditions for making flotability test are proposed.Based on the findings obtained, an in-depth analysis is made of the insufficiencies of the existing flotation performance evaluation standards, which are based only on two factors—organic efficiency and perfection index.It is proposed to carry out “ideal separation” test on flotation feed, concentrate and tailings separately to obtain their respective ash composition.In this way, an aggregative flotation performance evaluation index can be obtained based on the indices like elementary ash, concentrate ash error, organic efficiency, content of total misplaced materials, concentrate contamination and loss of tailings derived.Furthermore, in order to enable a comprehensive fine coal flotability and flotation performance evaluation to be made in a scientific manner, it is proposed to make representation of flotability with such factors as content of near-ash ±1.0 material, content of materials with a highest ash and content of materials with an ash higher than elementary ash.Finally, the suggestions for making revision of the current standards are put forward.


