郭轩辰, 何亚群, 王婕, 李金龙, 力涛. 基于试验和分子模拟的页岩油用于浮选褐煤的可行性研究[J]. 选煤技术, 2021, 49(1): 86-91. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2021.01.011
    引用本文: 郭轩辰, 何亚群, 王婕, 李金龙, 力涛. 基于试验和分子模拟的页岩油用于浮选褐煤的可行性研究[J]. 选煤技术, 2021, 49(1): 86-91. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2021.01.011
    GUO Xuanchen, HE Yaqun, WANG Jie, LI Jinlong, LI Tao. Study on feasibility of lignite flotation using shale oil based on results of experiments and molecular simulation[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2021, 49(1): 86-91. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2021.01.011
    Citation: GUO Xuanchen, HE Yaqun, WANG Jie, LI Jinlong, LI Tao. Study on feasibility of lignite flotation using shale oil based on results of experiments and molecular simulation[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2021, 49(1): 86-91. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2021.01.011


    Study on feasibility of lignite flotation using shale oil based on results of experiments and molecular simulation

    • 摘要: 为探究页岩油对褐煤浮选的可行性,利用气相色谱质谱测试、煤泥浮选试验、X射线光电子能谱和分子模拟方法,分别测试了页岩油的化学成分,考察了褐煤浮选行为和页岩油、煤油预处理对煤粒表面官能团的影响,探究了分子尺度的煤-油-水体系结构特征。结果表明:烷烃、烯烃是页岩油的主要化学成分,烷烃多以碳数12—22的形式存在;页岩油可通过覆盖褐煤表面的亲水性含氧官能团,提高C—C/C—H的相对含量;无论采用何种浓度,页岩油对褐煤的浮选效果始终显著强于煤油。分析认为,页岩油的吸附覆盖了褐煤表面部分孔隙,可降低褐煤表面粗糙度,抑制水分子在煤表面的布展,因此页岩油可作为褐煤浮选的高效捕收剂。


      Abstract: In order to explore the feasibility of making lignite flotation with shale oil as collector, the chemical composition of shale oil, and the effects of lignite flotation behavior and preconditioning of lignite with shale oil and kerosene on functional groups on coal surface, as well as the characteristics of molecular-level configuration of coal-oil-water system are investigated photoelectron sepectroscopic analysis and molecular simulation.Results of analysis and experiments show alkane and olefin are the main chemical components of shale oil, which are mostly in a long-chain form with a carbon number of 12-22; the shale oil can cover up the hydrophilic oxygen-containing functional groups on lignite surface, leading consequently to the increase of relative contents of C—C/C—H; and with the use of shale oil as collector at any concentration, the effect of flotation of lignite is noticeably better than the case of using kerosene.It is revealed that adsorption of shale oil can cover part of the voids on lignite surface, causing the reduction of roughness of lignite surface and restraining as a result the molecular diffusion of water.It proves that shale oil is a high-efficiency collector for lignite flotation.


