龙禄财. “5+N”煤泥减量化工艺在临沂矿业集团选煤生产中的探索与实践[J]. 选煤技术, 2021, 49(1): 187-190. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2021.01.028
    引用本文: 龙禄财. “5+N”煤泥减量化工艺在临沂矿业集团选煤生产中的探索与实践[J]. 选煤技术, 2021, 49(1): 187-190. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2021.01.028
    LONG Lucai. Exploration and application of the “5+N” technological processes for reduction of generation of coal slime at the coal preparation plants of Shandong Energy Linyi Mining Group[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2021, 49(1): 187-190. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2021.01.028
    Citation: LONG Lucai. Exploration and application of the “5+N” technological processes for reduction of generation of coal slime at the coal preparation plants of Shandong Energy Linyi Mining Group[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2021, 49(1): 187-190. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2021.01.028


    Exploration and application of the “5+N” technological processes for reduction of generation of coal slime at the coal preparation plants of Shandong Energy Linyi Mining Group

    • 摘要: 为解决制约煤泥减量化生产的难点,山东能源临沂矿业集团各选煤厂精准定位各自工艺流程、装备水平及现场管理存在的问题及主要挖潜点,在粗煤泥分选回收、煤泥浮选、尾煤泥截粗掺配、压滤煤泥干燥破碎掺配、褐煤干选等工艺环节上因煤制宜、分类实施,创新衍生煤泥精回收工艺,形成了“5+N”煤泥减量化分选创效体系,实现了煤泥产量及质量的“双降”,达到了分选效益最大化,取得了社会效益和经济效益的双丰收。


      Abstract: In order to find out the difficult and choke points that restrict the realization of coal washing with less generation of coal slime in coal preparation plants, the problems encountered by all the plants under the Mining Group in coal cleaning, process equipment and management aspects as well as the main potentials that can be tapped are all clearly defined and thoroughly analyzed.Now, an innovative “5+N” coal cleaning system with less generation of coal slime is in application.The system features the use of coarse slime separation and recovery process, coal slime flotation process, coarse flotation tailings recovery process(for use as coal blend), filter press cake product drying and crushing process(for use as coal blend)and lignite dry cleaning process.The system can be flexibly applied in each plant according to propertly of coal treated so as to minimize the output of coal slime and downgrade as much as possible the quality of the slime generated.Application of the “5+N” system has made it possible to obtain an optimal coal washing effect and much improved social and economic benefits.


