刘春源, 蔡真宽, 平光明. 福兴选煤厂浮选系统改造实践[J]. 选煤技术, 2021, 49(6): 40-44. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2021.06.008
    引用本文: 刘春源, 蔡真宽, 平光明. 福兴选煤厂浮选系统改造实践[J]. 选煤技术, 2021, 49(6): 40-44. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2021.06.008
    LIU Chunyuan, CAI Zhenkuan, PING Guangming. Practice of renovation of the flotation system of Fuxing Coal Preparation Plant[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2021, 49(6): 40-44. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2021.06.008
    Citation: LIU Chunyuan, CAI Zhenkuan, PING Guangming. Practice of renovation of the flotation system of Fuxing Coal Preparation Plant[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2021, 49(6): 40-44. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2021.06.008


    Practice of renovation of the flotation system of Fuxing Coal Preparation Plant

    • 摘要: 为了解决浮选系统能力小,精煤脱水设备处理能力不足而导致的浮选尾煤灰分低,循环水水质差的问题,福兴选煤厂对浮选入料、浮选精煤、浮选尾煤进行了小筛分试验,在试验数据分析的基础上,经方案比较,采取了增设XJM-S16(2室)浮选机对原有浮选机尾煤进行扫选,增加快开隔膜压滤机以提高浮选精煤的脱水能力等措施,从而完善了选煤厂的生产工艺,提高了浮选系统对煤质波动的适应性,降低了循环水浓度。生产实践表明,改造后浮选精煤产率提高了15.81个百分点,全厂综合精煤产率提高了2.96个百分点,煤泥热值下降了6.07 MJ/kg,每年可增加经济效益1 803.48万元。


      Abstract: The problems faced by Fuxing Plant are undercapacity of flotation system, low ash of flotation tailings caused by undercapacity of concentrate dewatering equipment, and deterioration of quality of circulating water. To tackle the problems, work is made by the plant on sieve analysis of flotation feed, concentrate and tailings. Based on result of test data and comparison of technical transformation schemes, the existing flotation system is renovated through adding a double-cell XJM-S16 flotation machine as scavenger and a quick-open membrane filter press for attaining a higher concentrate dewatering capacity. Following the renovation work made, there have been seen an improved coal washing process and higher adaptability of flotation system to variation of coal property. Practice shows the use of the renovated flotation system has led to the rise of the yield of concentrate by 15.81 percentage points, increase of the overall yield of clean coal by 2.96 percentage points, drop of calorific value of tailings by 6.07 MJ/kg and the yield of additional annual economic revenue of 18.034 8 million yuan.


