闫俊科, 卢志明, 王立臣. 三质体智能高频细筛在煤泥脱水降灰工艺中的应用[J]. 选煤技术, 2021, 49(6): 45-49. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2021.06.009
    引用本文: 闫俊科, 卢志明, 王立臣. 三质体智能高频细筛在煤泥脱水降灰工艺中的应用[J]. 选煤技术, 2021, 49(6): 45-49. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2021.06.009
    YAN Junke, LU Zhiming, WANG Lichen. Application of the intelligent 3-mass high-frequency fine screen in coal slime dewatering and ash reduction process[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2021, 49(6): 45-49. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2021.06.009
    Citation: YAN Junke, LU Zhiming, WANG Lichen. Application of the intelligent 3-mass high-frequency fine screen in coal slime dewatering and ash reduction process[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2021, 49(6): 45-49. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2021.06.009


    Application of the intelligent 3-mass high-frequency fine screen in coal slime dewatering and ash reduction process

    • 摘要: 针对粗煤泥处理作业中振动弧形筛脱水脱泥效果差、筛上物灰分高、筛下水跑粗等问题,提出了以三质体智能高频细筛代替振动弧形筛的技术方案。三质体智能高频细筛在多种粗煤泥处理工艺的应用实践表明:该筛筛上物水分达到了煤泥离心机的最佳入料条件要求,筛上物灰分可以满足生产要求,且筛下水不跑粗,达到了浮选机所需的最佳粒度要求,实现了筛上物水分、筛上物灰分、筛下物粒度的精准控制。


      Abstract: The use of vibrating sieve bend for dewatering and disliming operatin in coarse slime treatment process can hardly achieve the expected result. Moreover, its overflow is high in ash while the underflow contains oversize particles. To tackle this problem, a technical scheme of using the intelligent 3-mass high-frequency fine screen in place of the bibrating sieve bend is proposed. Practice of the application of the screen in a multiple coarse slime treatment processes demontstrates that the moisture of the screen overflow can meet the optimal feed concentration required by centrifuge; the ash of screen overflow is up to the required standard and the screen underflow no longer contains oversize particles, which constitutes an optimal size feed for flotation system; and the ash and moisture of screen overflow and the size of the underflow can be brought under accurate control.


