陈小霞. 基于计算机视觉的智能加介系统研究与应用[J]. 选煤技术, 2022, 50(5): 91-96. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2022.05.018
    引用本文: 陈小霞. 基于计算机视觉的智能加介系统研究与应用[J]. 选煤技术, 2022, 50(5): 91-96. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2022.05.018
    CHEN Xiaoxia. Study and application of the computer vision-based intelligent medium adding system[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2022, 50(5): 91-96. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2022.05.018
    Citation: CHEN Xiaoxia. Study and application of the computer vision-based intelligent medium adding system[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2022, 50(5): 91-96. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2022.05.018


    Study and application of the computer vision-based intelligent medium adding system

    • 摘要: 针对介质添加环节存在的人工劳动强度大、安全风险高、加介量无法计量等问题,付村煤业有限公司选煤厂以计算机视觉技术为核心,结合三维重建、激光定位、PID控制技术、防摇摆等技术开发了智能加介系统,实现了重介分选系统介质自动添加。生产实践表明:该系统的应用实现了从浓介质制备到合格介质补加全流程的自动化和加介岗位无人值守,使加介和备介过程中的介耗降低了50%。


      Abstract: The problems faced by Fucun Coal Preparation Plant in the use of the traditional medium adding system are high labor intensity, high risks and inability to measure the adding quantity. To deal with the situation , an intelligent medium adding system is developed through integration of the 3-dimensional reconstruction, laser positioning, PID control and anti-sway technologies with the computer vision technology as the core. The use of the system makes it possible to have the medium added automatically. Practice shows that with the use of the system, the whole process starting from preparation of thick medium down to addition of make-up qualified medium can be automatically executed in an unattended manner, and the medium loss incurred during the medium adding and preparation processes can be cut by 50%.


