耿少伟, 符东旭, 李海涛, 岳丽荣, 张晓涛. 浮选完善指标适用性分析[J]. 选煤技术, 2022, 50(6): 14-19. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2022.06.004
    引用本文: 耿少伟, 符东旭, 李海涛, 岳丽荣, 张晓涛. 浮选完善指标适用性分析[J]. 选煤技术, 2022, 50(6): 14-19. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2022.06.004
    GENG Shaowei, FU Dongxu, LI Haitao, YUE Lirong, ZHANG Xiaotao. Analysis of the applicability of the perfect index for evaluation of flotation performance[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2022, 50(6): 14-19. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2022.06.004
    Citation: GENG Shaowei, FU Dongxu, LI Haitao, YUE Lirong, ZHANG Xiaotao. Analysis of the applicability of the perfect index for evaluation of flotation performance[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2022, 50(6): 14-19. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2022.06.004


    Analysis of the applicability of the perfect index for evaluation of flotation performance

    • 摘要: 浮选完善指标是浮选工艺效果评定的关键指标,对合理指导浮选生产操作具有重要作用,但近几年业内对该指标的适用性提出了争议。为了厘清争议,在阐述分析浮选完善指标定义、应用范围和物理意义的基础上,对该指标在选煤厂浮选工艺效果评定场景下的适用性进行了分析。结果表明,该指标能够在一定程度上反映分选产品中可燃体与成灰矿物的错配程度,但存在应用范围无法明确界定、物理意义与分选目的不一致、数据之间可比性差等不足。因此不建议将浮选完善指标单独作为评定选煤厂浮选工艺效果的核心指标。


      Abstract: Flotation perfect index as a key indicator in evaluation of flotation performance plays a vital role in making rational guidance of flotation operations. However, in recent years, its applicability has become a controversial issue among different schools in coal industry. For better elucidation of the contentious points, following an elaboration on the definition, scope of application and physical meaning of the flotation perfect index, an analysis is made of the applicability of the index in evaluation of performance of flotation operations under different operating scenarios in coal preparation plant. As indicated by analysis result, the index can reflect to a certain extent the degree of misplacement of combustible matters and ash-forming minerals in separated products; its scope of application is difficult to be clearly defined; the physical meaning of the index does not tally with the aim to be attained by flotation; and there exists poor comparability of data obtained. It is therefore inadvisable to evaluate performance of flotation operations in coal preparation plant with the flotation perfect index as a core indicator alone.


