高航, 卫中宽, 史英祥, 许慧林, 王怀法. 基于CFD数值模拟的射流微泡浮选机气泡发生器的设计[J]. 选煤技术, 2023, 51(1): 30-37. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.01.005
    引用本文: 高航, 卫中宽, 史英祥, 许慧林, 王怀法. 基于CFD数值模拟的射流微泡浮选机气泡发生器的设计[J]. 选煤技术, 2023, 51(1): 30-37. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.01.005
    GAO Hang, WEI Zhongkuan, SHI Yingxiang, XU Huilin, WANG Huaifa. Design of the CFD numerical simulation-based bubble generator of jet microbubble flotation cell[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2023, 51(1): 30-37. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.01.005
    Citation: GAO Hang, WEI Zhongkuan, SHI Yingxiang, XU Huilin, WANG Huaifa. Design of the CFD numerical simulation-based bubble generator of jet microbubble flotation cell[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2023, 51(1): 30-37. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.01.005


    Design of the CFD numerical simulation-based bubble generator of jet microbubble flotation cell

    • 摘要: 为研究气泡发生器结构对其物理参数的影响,以ZWF6500型射流微泡浮选机气泡发生器为研究对象,通过CFD数值模拟,研究了气泡发生器空气入口数量、喷嘴直径、喉管直径以及喉管位置等结构参数对气含率、矿浆射入量、充气量以及充气速率等物理参数的影响。结果表明:空气入口数量、气含率无明显影响,但是在一定的入料压力下,单个进气口有一个极限的进气量;在一定的入料压力下,矿浆射入量只受喷嘴直径的影响,而且喷嘴直径越大,则矿浆射入量越大;气泡发生器喷喉比对气含率的大小至关重要,气含率随喷喉比的增大而增加,且在增加到一定程度后,气含率达到极限,不再随着喷喉比的增加而增加,甚至会出现气含率下降;喉管位置的影响主要体现在充气量,随着喉管位置的升高充气量和气含率呈现先上升后下降的趋势,即有一个最佳的喉管位置使得气含率最大。该研究为气泡发生器结构优化提供了基础数据。


      Abstract: The bubble generator of the ZWF6500 jet microbubble flotation cell is taken as the object to explore the influence of the structure of the generator on the physical parameters of the generator. The effect on the physical parameters of the generator produced by such structural parameters as number of air inlets, nozzle diameter, and choke diameter and position, is investigated through CFD numerical simulation. As revealed by study result, the number of air inlets produces no noticeable influence on air-carrying rate, but at a certain feed pressure, for a generator with a single air inlet, there exists a limiting air intake at a certain feed pressure, the quantity of injected pulp is only subjected to the influence of nozzle diameter, and tends to increase with the increase of nozzle diameter; the ratio of the diameters of nozzle and choke plays a vital role in control of air-carrying rate, and the larger the ratio, the higher the air-carrying rate which would finally reach an extreme value when the ratio is increased to a certain level and even begin in this case to fall down irrespective of the further increase of the said ratio; the position of choke mainly exerts an influence on the aeration quantity, and with the raising of choke position, the aeration quantity and air-carrying rate tend to first go up and then fall down, and when the choke is placed at an optimum position, a largest aeration quantity can be obtained. The study made in the paper provides the basic data for making structural optimization of bubble generator.


