韩有龙, 赵宇德, 孙逢帅, 成宇龙, 薛志刚, 寇宗洋, 包西程, 李永改. 近距离煤层联合开采条件下原煤深度排矸技术研究[J]. 选煤技术, 2023, 51(2): 26-31. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.02.005
    引用本文: 韩有龙, 赵宇德, 孙逢帅, 成宇龙, 薛志刚, 寇宗洋, 包西程, 李永改. 近距离煤层联合开采条件下原煤深度排矸技术研究[J]. 选煤技术, 2023, 51(2): 26-31. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.02.005
    HAN Youlong, ZHAO Yude, SUN Fengshuai, CHENG Yulong, XUE Zhigang, KOU Zongyang, BAO Xicheng, LI Yonggai. Study of the technology for raw coal in-depth destoning under the condition of combined mining of contiguous seams[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2023, 51(2): 26-31. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.02.005
    Citation: HAN Youlong, ZHAO Yude, SUN Fengshuai, CHENG Yulong, XUE Zhigang, KOU Zongyang, BAO Xicheng, LI Yonggai. Study of the technology for raw coal in-depth destoning under the condition of combined mining of contiguous seams[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2023, 51(2): 26-31. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.02.005


    Study of the technology for raw coal in-depth destoning under the condition of combined mining of contiguous seams

    • 摘要: 为合理优化乌海矿区近距离煤层联合开采条件下煤炭洗选工艺,提高煤炭资源回收率,对动筛排矸、浅槽排矸、TDS智能干选机排矸、双侧进风复合空气室跳汰排矸四种预先排矸方法进行比较分析。结果表明,双侧进风复合空气室跳汰工艺排矸量为43.20%,排出矸石灰分为80.75%,相比之下具有有效排矸下限低,排矸效果好,运营成本低等优点。采用双侧进风复合空气室跳汰排矸工艺对原煤进行深度排矸能减少选煤厂主选系统入选原煤量,削弱夹矸泥化影响,经济效益显著,同时对其他矿区联合开采深度排矸方案的选择具有指导意义。


      Abstract: In order to rationalize and optimize the technological process for washing the raw coal produced by mining of contiguous seams using combined mining method in Wuhai mining area, and increase the recovery of coal resource, four kinds of equipment that can be used for preremoval of dirts in this case are compared and analyzed from both technical and economic aspects:movable-bed jig, heavy medium vessel, TDS intelligent dry separator and compound double-entry air chamber jig. It is demonstrated that the compound double-entry air chamber jig can remove 43.20% of the dirts and the ash of the rejects is as high as 80.75%. Comparatively, the use of the jig offers the merits of being capable of effectively getting the finer dirts removed with lower operating costs. Furthermore, its use for in-depth preremoval of dirts from raw coal can reduce the volume of raw coal for treating by primary washing system and weaken the adverse effect produced by mining dirt that is prone to undergo degradation in water. And it's use can yield noticeably favorable economic result. The study made in the paper may serve as a guidance for in-depth raw coal deshaling under similar mining conditions in other mining areas.


