董永胜, 郑厚发, 王宇婕, 陈为高, 侯佃平, 吴晓华. 煤炭洗选企业危险源辨识和风险分析评估及控制研究[J]. 选煤技术, 2023, 51(3): 24-30. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.03.004
    引用本文: 董永胜, 郑厚发, 王宇婕, 陈为高, 侯佃平, 吴晓华. 煤炭洗选企业危险源辨识和风险分析评估及控制研究[J]. 选煤技术, 2023, 51(3): 24-30. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.03.004
    DONG Yongsheng, ZHENG Houfa, WANG Yujie, CHEN Weigao, HOU Dianping, WU Xiaohua. A study of the approaches for coal washing enterprises to identify sources of hazards and carry out risk analysis, assessment and control[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2023, 51(3): 24-30. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.03.004
    Citation: DONG Yongsheng, ZHENG Houfa, WANG Yujie, CHEN Weigao, HOU Dianping, WU Xiaohua. A study of the approaches for coal washing enterprises to identify sources of hazards and carry out risk analysis, assessment and control[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2023, 51(3): 24-30. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.03.004


    A study of the approaches for coal washing enterprises to identify sources of hazards and carry out risk analysis, assessment and control

    • 摘要: 危险源辨识和风险分析评估是企业安全生产管理的重要环节,同时也是安全风险预控的基础。为提高煤炭洗选企业安全生产管理水平,基于危险源辨识和风险分析,对风险评估方法进行了研究,并给出了五种安全风险控制措施。研究结果表明:对于煤炭洗选企业,危险源辨识和风险分析宜采用内外因综合风险分析法,包括设备故障模式风险分析法、区域风险分析法及工作任务风险分析法,并给出了内外因综合风险分析法的工作程序;宜采取定性分析法对设备故障模式进行风险评估,采用风险矩阵法对区域风险进行半定量评估,采用作业条件危险性分析法(LEC法)对工作任务风险进行评估;根据风险评估结果,煤炭洗选企业可通过采取工程技术措施、管理措施、教育培训措施、个体防护措施和应急措施进行安全风险预控,将事故消灭在萌芽状态或将事故的损失降低到最小。煤炭洗选企业可采用安全监测监控及报警系统,应用信息化、网络化、自动化、智能化等先进技术,对不可承受的风险信息进行预警,确保企业安全生产和职工的生命安全;此外,当煤炭洗选企业内部或外部发生重大变化时,还应在适当范围内进行危险源再辨识、风险再分析评估工作,确保危险源处于受控状态,以确保企业生产安全。


      Abstract: Identification of sources of hazards and risk assessment are important links in safety operation management in coal enterprises, and constitute also a basis for taking precautionary measures. With an aim to enhance the safety operation management level in coal washing sector, based on analysis on identification of sources of hazards and risk assessment, a study is made of the risk assessment methods; and five risk control measures are proposed. Study results show that for a coal washing enterprise, the comprehensive risk analysis method for finding out both internal and external causes, and the methods for making analysis on risk of equipment failure mode, zonal risk and task risks should preferably be used, and the comprehensive risk analysis needs to be made by following the proposed steps; for assessment of risks of equipment failure mode, zonal risks and task risks, the qualitative method, semi-quantitative matrix method and working condition's danger analysis method(LCE method) should be used, respectively; based on assessment results, engineering, technical, managerial and emergency measures, as well as other precautionary and preventive measures like personal training and physical protection need to be taken to check the risks in their embryonic stage or reduce the loss to a minimum; The coal washing enterprises should be provided with monitoring, control and alarm systems with the use of advanced information, network, automation and intelligent technologies for making it possible to issue early warning in the event of possible occurrence of unbearable risks to ensure operation and personal safety; whenever major internal or external changes occur, the work on identification of sources of hazards and risk analysis needs to be repeated within a certain scope to ensure that the hazard, if only, is under control and the coal washing systems are safe in operation.


