王金龙, 王星, 韩有理, 朱金波, 闵凡飞, 尹建强, 林志勇, 杨荣. 天元智能干选机在山脚树矿平田矸石山的应用[J]. 选煤技术, 2023, 51(4): 37-43. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.04.007
    引用本文: 王金龙, 王星, 韩有理, 朱金波, 闵凡飞, 尹建强, 林志勇, 杨荣. 天元智能干选机在山脚树矿平田矸石山的应用[J]. 选煤技术, 2023, 51(4): 37-43. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.04.007
    WANG Jinlong, WANG Xing, HAN Youli, ZHU Jinbo, MIN Fanfei, YIN Jianqiang, LIN Zhiyong, YANG Rong. Application of the Tianyuan intelligent dry separator at Pingtian refuse heap of Shanjiaoshu Coal Mine[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2023, 51(4): 37-43. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.04.007
    Citation: WANG Jinlong, WANG Xing, HAN Youli, ZHU Jinbo, MIN Fanfei, YIN Jianqiang, LIN Zhiyong, YANG Rong. Application of the Tianyuan intelligent dry separator at Pingtian refuse heap of Shanjiaoshu Coal Mine[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2023, 51(4): 37-43. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.04.007


    Application of the Tianyuan intelligent dry separator at Pingtian refuse heap of Shanjiaoshu Coal Mine

    • 摘要: 为加强矸石山治理并实现资源回收利用,有效解决矸石山堆存引起的二次灾害,回收矸石中<50 mm粒级符合电厂发热量需求的产品,山脚树矿采用天元智能干选机对矸石山中有价煤组分进行了分选回收。文章介绍了该干选机结构、工作原理、工艺布置及工业应用效果。生产实践表明:该干选机能够实现10~50 mm粒级的有效分选,在原煤水分低于10%时,分选后产品发热量相较于原料发热量增量较大,筛除<10 mm粒级细颗粒后矸中带煤率(矸损)降幅最高可达6.03个百分点。该干选机可通过两种分选模式对矸石山原料进行识别分选,其中低富集度模式可将中煤、夹矸、黑矸选出作为产品,以提高产品产率;而高富集度模式可将夹矸、黑矸舍弃,达到提高产品品质的目的,该模式分选出的产品发热量均大于12.56 MJ/kg,发热量增幅最高达259.25%。天元智能干选机可根据产品指标要求生产出符合用户需求的产品,降低企业生产成本,提高经济效益。


      Abstract: In order to strengthen harness of refuse heap, realize recovery and utilization of coal resource, effectively eliminate the second hazard induced by stockpiling of refuse, and recover from the heap the <50 mm coal with a calorific value up to the requirement of power plants, the Tianyuan intelligent dry separator is used by Shanjiaoshu Mine to carry out recovery and separation of the valuable coal. An introduction is made in the paper to the structure, working principle, process layout of the separator as well as its performance in industrial application. Field application shows the use of the separator can lead to effective separation of the 50~10 mm coal, and when the moisture of the feed of the separator is below 10%, the clean product can gain a noticeable increase in calorific value; after removal of the <10 mm particles, the loss of coal in refuse can be drastically reduced by 6.03 percentage points. The separator can operate in two modes, i.e. the low enrichment mode and the high enrichment mode. In the former operation mode, the middlings, intergrown coal and bones can be recovered to gain a higher yield of product while in the latter mode, the intergrown coal and bones are discarded for improvement of quality of separated products which can all have a calorific value of >12.56 MJ/Kg, with an increase being up to 259.25%. the separator can produce the product. With quality indicators as required by users, and its use can lead to reduction of operating costs and improvement of economic performance.


