吴大为, 任利勤. 有关浮选效率问题的商榷[J]. 选煤技术, 2023, 51(5): 7-15. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.05.002
    引用本文: 吴大为, 任利勤. 有关浮选效率问题的商榷[J]. 选煤技术, 2023, 51(5): 7-15. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.05.002
    WU Dawei, REN Liqin. Points for discussion about issues regarding flotation efficiency[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2023, 51(5): 7-15. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.05.002
    Citation: WU Dawei, REN Liqin. Points for discussion about issues regarding flotation efficiency[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2023, 51(5): 7-15. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.05.002


    Points for discussion about issues regarding flotation efficiency

    • 摘要: 为进一步探讨有关浮选效果评价的问题,笔者针对《选煤技术》2021年第4期刊载的《浮选效率评价方法分析》一文提出的学术观点,进行了相关研究与分析:应用汉考克分离效率公式计算了选煤厂筛分效率、水力分级效率、浮选完善指标、脱水效率;对《选煤厂浮选工艺效果评定方法》(MT/T 180—1988)中的两项指标——浮选精煤数量指数和浮选完善指标进行了必要解释和说明;对《浮选效率评价方法分析》一文提出的浮选试验方法及其分离组分数目进行了相关分析;以作图取值法获得西庞选煤厂分界灰分,基于煤泥中存在小于或大于分界灰分两部分物料的客观实际,采用汉考克分离效率公式,分别从精煤角度和尾煤角度计算了西庞选煤厂浮选效率。分析认为:采用汉考克分离效率公式计算选煤厂筛分、水力分级、浮选、脱水作业工艺指标,无论按哪个产物中来计算,分离效率均相同;尽管浮选完善指标未考虑到浮选过程中的“错配”现象,在应用时存在一定“局限性”,但将其应用于“同一性质”煤泥浮选效果的评定时,判定重点不是绝对数值的大小,而是被考核指标之间的差值;《浮选效率评价方法分析》一文提出的试验方法为今后浮选工艺效果评定开辟了一个新思路,但为避免相邻组分灰分差别很小或分析煤样质量不够,应对分离组分数目进行精简;基于汉考克分离效率理念,无论是从精煤角度还是尾煤角度计算西庞选煤厂浮选效率,结果均相同。文中分析佐证了汉考克分离效率公式的严谨性;建议应用浮选完善指标时要对“同一性质”煤泥做到心中有数;提出在保证试验精度的前提下应对分离组分数目进行精简;同时认为浮选效率可定量表征低灰煤泥和高灰煤泥正配和错配情况,可适用于不同性质煤泥浮选效果的横向对比。


      Abstract: With an aim to going deeper into the discussion on points concerning evaluation of flotation performance, the following related study and analysis are made specifically on the academic viewpoints put forward in the article “Analysis of flotation efficiency evaluation method” published on bimonthly periodical Coal Preparation Technology(No.4, 2021): calculation of coal preparation plant′s screening efficiency, hydraulic classification efficiency, flotation perfect index, and dewatering efficiency using Hancock separation efficiency formula; necessary explanatory notes on the organic efficiency of concentrate and flotation perfect index, two key indicators as specified in the international standard “MT/T 180—1988 Coal Preparation Plant Flotation Performance Evaluation Method”; and analysis on the number of groups of samples divided according to ash content, and the method for making flotation experiment, as specified in the industry standard “Analysis of flotation efficiency evaluation method”. In addition to the above-going work, the flotation efficiency of Xipang plant is calculated using Hancock formula. Owing to the objective fact that the slime contains materials with an ash either greater or smaller than the boundary ash which is derived through graphical calculation, the calculation on flotation efficiency is made based on the flotation concentrate and tailings, respectively. As indicated by study results, when screening efficiency, hydraulic classification efficiency, flotation efficiency and dewatering efficiency are calculated using Hancock formula, the calculated result will remain unchanged no matter what product is taken as the basis for making the calculation; despite the fact that the phenomenon of “misplacement of material” occurring in flotation process is not considered as a factor in defining the flotation perfect index, and the latter is caused hence to have certain “limitations” for use as a criterion, yet, for flotation of the fine coal having the identical properties, the flotation efficiency should be evaluated with the focus on the differences between the examined indices, rather than the magnitudes of absolute values; the method for making flotation experiment as stipulated in the article “Analysis of flotation efficiency evaluation method” offers a new train of thoughts for the evaluation of flotation performance in the future. Nevertheless, for avoiding the presence of two adjacent groups having only minor difference in ash, or in case that the sampled coal is not good in quality, the number of groups should be reduced; when the flotation efficiency is calculated based on the concept of separation efficiency calculating method proposed by Hancock, an identical calculation result can be obtained irrespective of whether the flotation concentrate or the tailings is taken as the calculation basis. The rigor and strictness of Hancock formula is well verified by the analysis work described above. It is proposed that in flotation of the fine coal having identical properties, there should be a clear understanding of the meaning of the term flotation perfect index defined in this case; and while maintaining the accuracy of the flotation experiment, the number of groups of product samples divided according to ash content be reduced in experiment. It is held that the “flotation efficiency” as an indicator of flotation performance can reflect in a quantitative manner the correctly placed and misplaced materials of both low-ash and high-ash fine coal, and it is also suitable for use as an indicator for making crosswise comparisons of flotation performances in flotation of fine coal with varying properties.


