陈文茂, 陈新波, 朱建飞, 谢永鑫. 我国煤炭干法分选装备技术现状[J]. 选煤技术, 2023, 51(5): 26-30. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.05.005
    引用本文: 陈文茂, 陈新波, 朱建飞, 谢永鑫. 我国煤炭干法分选装备技术现状[J]. 选煤技术, 2023, 51(5): 26-30. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.05.005
    CHEN Wenmao, CHEN Xinbo, ZHU Jianfei, XIE Yongxin. The current situation of coal dry cleaning equipment in China[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2023, 51(5): 26-30. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.05.005
    Citation: CHEN Wenmao, CHEN Xinbo, ZHU Jianfei, XIE Yongxin. The current situation of coal dry cleaning equipment in China[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2023, 51(5): 26-30. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.05.005


    The current situation of coal dry cleaning equipment in China

    • 摘要: 煤炭是我国的重要战略资源,随着不断的开发利用,优质资源逐渐减少,煤炭分选提质势在必行。湿法选煤用水量大、成本高,尤其是在干旱缺水地区难以实施,而干法选煤则可弥补湿法选煤的不足。为进一步加深业界人士对干法选煤技术的认识、推动煤炭资源清洁高效利用的进一步发展,文章从风力分选、复合式干法分选、干法重介质流化床分选、智能干法分选等当前主流干选装备的原理、研究现状、应用情况等多个方面进行了详细介绍,并对各技术的特点进行了简要归纳。分析认为:风力分选和复合式干法分选适用于易选煤、极易选煤,但分选效率偏低;干法重介质流化床分选精度较高,但入料上限低,且分选时易出现布风用多孔板堵塞问题;智能干选机入料上限高,可代替人工手选,但其入料下限较高,否则会影响分选精度;各干选技术对细粒进行分选时,对入料外在水分均有较高要求,否则进料黏度增大、细粒煤和矸石相互粘连,容易结块并堵塞设备,进而影响生产。文章提出:未来干法选煤技术应进一步提升对物料水分的适应性;同时可组合应用多种干法分选设备,实现全粒级干法分选。


      Abstract: Coal is China's important strategic resource, yet along with incessant exploration and utilization of coal resources, the premium-grade coal resources are gradually decreasing. So, upgrading of coal through separation has become inexorably a necessary approach. The wet cleaning method is high in water consumption and cost, and is difficult to be applied especially in arid and water-deficient areas while the dry method can make up the deficiencies of wet method. In order to allow the persons working in coal sectors to gain a deeper insight into the dry cleaning technologies, and push for further development of highly efficient and clean utilization of coal, the paper presents a detailed introduction to the main dry cleaning equipment currently available from multiple aspects, such as the air separator, compound dry separator, heavy medium fluidized-bed dry separator and intelligent dry separator, as well as their respective working principle, related research work so far made, and performance in practical application. The special features of each separator are briefly summarized as follows: the air and compound separators are suitable for treating extremely-easy and easy-to-clean coal with yet a relatively low efficiency; the heavy medium fluidized-bed version, through high in separation accuracy, can only treat a feed with a smaller top size, and its multi-hole air-distribution plate is liable to get blocked in operation; the intelligent version can treat a feed with a large upper and lower size and can be used instead of handpicking operation, but in the case of treating a feed with a smaller lower size, its separation sharpness would be affected; and in the case of treating a feed with a smaller size, the abovementioned separators all require the feed to be low in moisture, otherwise, the equipment would get plugged up by agglomerates formed by bonding of fine coal with dirts due to increase of viscosity of feed. Following the introduction to the state-of-the-art of the coal dry cleaning equipment, it is pointed out that in the future, the dry separators should be developed to have a higher adaptability to the variation of feed moisture and be able to operate in a combined mode for making it possible to realize whole-size dry separation.


