冯庆欢. 轮洗生产组织模式下工艺问题的分析及处理[J]. 选煤技术, 2023, 51(5): 77-80. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.05.015
    引用本文: 冯庆欢. 轮洗生产组织模式下工艺问题的分析及处理[J]. 选煤技术, 2023, 51(5): 77-80. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.05.015
    FENG Qinghuan. Analysis of the problems arising in washing of raw coal from different sources in an alternate manner and remedial measures[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2023, 51(5): 77-80. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.05.015
    Citation: FENG Qinghuan. Analysis of the problems arising in washing of raw coal from different sources in an alternate manner and remedial measures[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2023, 51(5): 77-80. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.05.015


    Analysis of the problems arising in washing of raw coal from different sources in an alternate manner and remedial measures

    • 摘要: 为解决生产组织模式由混洗转变为轮洗后,生产系统预脱泥效果差、脱介效果差、生产不稳定的问题,太原选煤厂针对性地进行了技改:将预脱泥筛前段筛板更换为带挡沿筛板、将部分筛板更换为T形筛板,同时在筛子中部增加一道喷水,强化了预脱泥效果;在喷水分支管路中增加调节阀,更好地适应脱介筛的入料量;将重悬浮液自动调分流转变为手动调分流,短时间将密度调整至设定值,进而保证产品质量的稳定。技改后,脱泥筛的脱泥效率由原来的77%提升至83%;介耗由原来的0.88 kg/t降至0.79 kg/t;悬浮液密度上下调节0.01 g/cm3时,手动调分流耗时约2 min,较改造前节约了3 min;综合精煤产率由原来的68.67%提高至70.86%,取得了良好效果。


      Abstract: After the shifting of the raw coal cleaning pattern from a mixed to an alternate manner, the problems faced by the plant involve poor raw coal predesliming and medium draining effects and unsteadiness of coal washing operations. To cope with the situation, technical transformation work is made by the plant by taking the following targeted measures: replacing screenplates at fore-section of desliming screen with ones fitted with aprons and part of the plates with T-shaped ones, and adding a row of water sprayers, for attaining an intensified desliming effect; adding regulating valves on branch pipes of water spraying system of medium draining screen for enabling the screen to better adapt to variation of feed rate; and shifting heavy medium suspension split-flow adjustment from automatic to manual modes to make it possible to adjust separation density to the preset value in a short time, for thus ensuring the consistency of quality of separated products. The technical transformation work has yielded tangible results as evidenced by the rise of desliming efficiency from 77% to 83%, a drop of medium consumption from 0.88 kg/t to 0.79 kg/t, the possibility to vary heavy medium suspension density up or down 0.01 g/cm3 in a short time of about two minutes—a cut of three minutes compared with automatic adjustment mode, and an increase of combined clean coal yield from 68.67% to 70.86%.


