杨茂青,董宪姝. 选煤强国建设路径及其评价指标体系初探[J]. 选煤技术,2023,51(6):34 − 39. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.06.004
    引用本文: 杨茂青,董宪姝. 选煤强国建设路径及其评价指标体系初探[J]. 选煤技术,2023,51(6):34 − 39. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.06.004
    YANG Maoqing, DONG Xianshu. Discussion on the construction path and evaluation index system of coal preparation power[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2023, 51(6): 34 − 39. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.06.004
    Citation: YANG Maoqing, DONG Xianshu. Discussion on the construction path and evaluation index system of coal preparation power[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2023, 51(6): 34 − 39. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.06.004


    Discussion on the construction path and evaluation index system of coal preparation power

    • 摘要: 为探索选煤强国建设路径及其评价指标体系,基于选煤强国概念与内涵的阐述和分析,指出了我国选煤在应用基础理论、重大关键技术、适用技术开发、人力资源结构和科技投入方面存在的问题,提出了实现选煤强国的主要路径,包括掌握关键核心技术,树立标准与知识产权先行的发展理念,优化人力资源结构,做好老选煤厂技术升级,积极开拓走出去发展路径五个方面。为更好地体现选煤综合竞争力,在充分考虑数据获取难易程度以及可行性和可操作性的基础上,按照高技术含量和高标准的构建原则,提出了选煤强国评价指标体系,包括选煤厂管理、人力资源、绿色环保、科技创新能力、政策要素、对外贸易运营能力、企业竞争力7个一级指标,以及20个二级指标和27个三级指标。探索选煤强国建设路径及其评价指标体系可为选煤行业高质量发展指明方向,有助于我国从选煤大国向选煤强国迈进。


      Abstract: In order to explore the route to the development of a coal preparation power and the evaluation index system involved, the paper starts first with an elaboration and analysis on the concept and connotation of the objective to be attained, and then points out the problems faced by China′s coal preparation sector in the fields of applied basic theory, key and core technologies, development of applied technologies, structure of human resources, and capital input for sci-tech research. It is held that the main way to attain the goal involves five aspects: availability of key and core technologies, fostering the development concept of putting standards and intellectual property rights above everything else, optimization of structure of human resources, execution in a best way of technical upgrading of old coal preparation plants, and making endeavors to open up the way to go global. In order to better reflect the comprehensive competitiveness of the coal preparation business, and considering the difficulty in data access as well as the feasibility and operability, an evaluation index system is proposed for the development of a coal preparation power according to the principles of developing a coal preparation power featuring high content of technology and high standard. The proposed system covers 7 level-Ⅰindicators, 20 level-Ⅱand 27 level-Ⅲ indicators. The level-Ⅰ indicators are plant management, human resources, environmental friendness, technology innovation capability, competitiveness of enterprises, foreign trade and business, and essential policy-related factors. The study made in the paper points out the way for the coal preparation sector to realize high-quality development and helps the country to stride forward from a strong nation to a big power in terms of strength in coal preparation.


