陈 坤,胡丙升,宋俊超,等. SID型智能干选机研制及应用[J]. 选煤技术,2023,51(6):83 − 88. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.06.011
    引用本文: 陈 坤,胡丙升,宋俊超,等. SID型智能干选机研制及应用[J]. 选煤技术,2023,51(6):83 − 88. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.06.011
    CHEN Kun, HU Bingsheng, SONG Junchao, et al. Research, development and application of the SID intelligent dry separator[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2023, 51(6): 83 − 88. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.06.011
    Citation: CHEN Kun, HU Bingsheng, SONG Junchao, et al. Research, development and application of the SID intelligent dry separator[J]. Coal Preparation Technology, 2023, 51(6): 83 − 88. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2023.06.011


    Research, development and application of the SID intelligent dry separator

    • 摘要: 为了降低煤质波动对产品指标的影响,提高风力干选效果,在FX型风力干选机的基础上进行智能化升级改造,研制了SID型智能干选机。通过采用风力干选机振动频率自动调节及监测、风量和风压自动调节及监测、床面角度自动调节、排料翻版自动调节及定位等技术,将风力干选过程主要可控参数定量化;设计了煤质在线监测系统,对原煤的水分、灰分数据以及产品的灰分等参数进行在线监测;开发了风选智能控制系统,实现数据的采集和存储、生产监控、设备控制和报警管理等综合管理功能,多变量风选专家系统作为主要核心实现了参数自主调节。SID型智能干选机在国能北电胜利能源有限公司的应用表明,风选车间基本实现了无人值守、无人巡视,取得了较好的分选效果,煤中带矸率低于3%,矸中带煤率低于3%。


      Abstract: In order to reduce the influence of fluctuation of coal property on indices of products and improve pneumatic cleaning effects, the intelligent SID dry separator is developed on the basis of FX pneumatic separator through technical upgrading. Thanks to the possibility to realize automatic adjustment and monitoring of vibration frequency, air quantity and pressure, separating deck inclination angle, and positioning of discharge tipping plate, the main operating parameters can be brought under control and get quantified; with the use of the coal property online monitoring system, the parameters of raw coal feed moisture and ash composition, and ash of products can be monitoring online; through the intelligent control system, the separator can perform comprehensive management functions including data collection and storage, operating process monitoring and control and issuing of alarm; the multi-variable expert system, the core technology of the separator, can autonomously execute adjustment of operating parameters. Application of the separator at Beidian Shengli Energy Co. Ltd. has achieved a goal separation result, and its operation can be basically proceeded without the need for attendance or regular patrol inspection. The percentage of refuse misplaced in coal is less than 3% while the loss of coal in refuse is below 3%.


