王兴旺. 双鹤选煤厂煤泥分选系统的优化改造实践[J]. 选煤技术,2024,52(1):51−56. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2024.01.009
    引用本文: 王兴旺. 双鹤选煤厂煤泥分选系统的优化改造实践[J]. 选煤技术,2024,52(1):51−56. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2024.01.009
    WANG Xingwang. Optimization of Shuanghe Coal Preparation Plant's coal slimeseparation system through technical transformation[J]. Coal Preparation Technology,2024,52(1):51−56. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2024.01.009
    Citation: WANG Xingwang. Optimization of Shuanghe Coal Preparation Plant's coal slimeseparation system through technical transformation[J]. Coal Preparation Technology,2024,52(1):51−56. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2024.01.009


    Optimization of Shuanghe Coal Preparation Plant's coal slimeseparation system through technical transformation

    • 摘要: 为解决原粗煤泥回收用高频筛筛下“跑粗”,致使浮选入料粒度超限,以及浮选环节处理能力不足、分选效果差而限制系统整体入选能力等诸多煤泥分选系统问题,双鹤选煤厂基于生产问题的分析,采用增设粗煤泥分选环节和增设浮选机的方式进行了技改。技改结果表明:干扰床分选效果良好,数量效率达98%,其溢流采用高频振动叠层细筛,脱泥脱水效果好,使粗精煤泥灰分较改造前降低了0.23个百分点,水分也有所下降;浮选入料中 > 0.25 mm粒级物料大大减少,相应地浮选尾矿灰分升高至67%左右,相较改造前提升约27个百分点,效果显著;同时,选煤厂综合精煤产率由75.40%增加至78.57%,原煤年处理量由0.4 Mt提升至1.20 Mt,满负荷生产年精煤可增产0.64 Mt左右,经济效益显著。


      Abstract: Because of the failure of the high-frequency primary slime recovery screen to completely retain the oversize particles, the flotation system of the plant is caused to handle a feed with a size exceeding the top limit. The undercapacity and low efficiency of the flotation system restrict as a result the plant′s overall slime separation capacity. Following an analysis of the problems involved, technical transformation work is made through addition of coarse slime separation process and flotation machines. As indicated by the results of the transformation work, the teetered-bed separator can work remarkably well with an organic efficiency reaching 98%, and the fine slime in the overflow of the separator can be efficiently removed using the stacked-up high-frequency vibrating fine screen, enabling the cleaned coarse slime to see a reduction both in ash (0.23 percentage point lower than the previous figure) and moisture; The proportion of the > 0.25 mm size in the flotation feed is greatly reduced with the ash of flotation tailing rising to around 67%, up 27 percentage points on the previous figure; the yield of combined clean coal product has seen a surge from 75.40% to 78.57%; and the raw coal treatment capacity has risen from 0.4 Mt/a to 1.2 Mt/a, allowing the plant to produce an additional clean coal product of approximately 0.64 Mt a year when the plant works with a full capacity, bringing forth a favorable economic result for the plant.


