仝俊春. 新构型重介质旋流器在邯郸洗选厂的应用[J]. 选煤技术,2024,52(1):63−67. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2024.01.011
    引用本文: 仝俊春. 新构型重介质旋流器在邯郸洗选厂的应用[J]. 选煤技术,2024,52(1):63−67. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2024.01.011
    TONG Junchun. Application of the heavy medium cyclone featuring a novel structural design at Handan Coal Preparation Plant[J]. Coal Preparation Technology,2024,52(1):63−67. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2024.01.011
    Citation: TONG Junchun. Application of the heavy medium cyclone featuring a novel structural design at Handan Coal Preparation Plant[J]. Coal Preparation Technology,2024,52(1):63−67. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2024.01.011


    Application of the heavy medium cyclone featuring a novel structural design at Handan Coal Preparation Plant

    • 摘要: 为解决传统构型重介质旋流器中煤带精煤量高、矸石带煤量高等问题,邯郸洗选厂采用新构型重介质旋流器对南部重介质分选系统(南部系统)进行了改造,并与未改造的北部重介质分选系统(北部系统)进行了对比。结果表明:相较未改造的北部系统,改造后南部系统的数量效率提升了3.44个百分点,可能性偏差也明显降低,同时精煤灰分合格率提升了5.59个百分点,重介质损耗降低了0.11 kg/t,综合精煤产率预计提升0.61个百分点。新构型重介质旋流器的应用为企业带来了较高的经济效益,为工艺系统下一步改造升级提供了可靠依据。


      Abstract: Handan Coal Preparation Plant has two heavy medium cyclone systems, i.e. the north system and the south system. They are both gravity-fed 3-product cyclones of traditional structure. As part of the technical transformation work, the south system is replaced by a cyclone featuring a novel structural design because the use of the former system would entail high loss of clean coal in both middling and refuse products. Comparison with the north system which remains unchanged shows that after transformation, the south system can operate with a rise of organic efficiency by 3.44 percentage points, a notable drop of probable error, an increase of up-to-standard rate of ash of clean coal by 5.59 percentage points, a decrease of consumption of media solids by 0.11 kg/t, and the overall clean coal yield was expected to increase by 0.61 percentage points. The use of cyclone brings about a favorable economic result for the plant, and also provides a reliable basis for making technical upgrading of the other system.


