吴瑞瑞. 三星选煤厂降低用电成本的探索与实践[J]. 选煤技术,2024,52(1):68−72. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2024.01.012
    引用本文: 吴瑞瑞. 三星选煤厂降低用电成本的探索与实践[J]. 选煤技术,2024,52(1):68−72. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2024.01.012
    WU Ruirui. Exploration and practice of reducing electricity cost in Sanxing Coal Preparation Plant[J]. Coal Preparation Technology,2024,52(1):68−72. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2024.01.012
    Citation: WU Ruirui. Exploration and practice of reducing electricity cost in Sanxing Coal Preparation Plant[J]. Coal Preparation Technology,2024,52(1):68−72. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2024.01.012


    Exploration and practice of reducing electricity cost in Sanxing Coal Preparation Plant

    • 摘要: 选煤生产过程中大型设备使用较多,加强选煤厂用电管理对稳定电力输送、提高能源利用、降低洗选加工成本等均具有重要意义。针对三星选煤厂因用电单耗高、电费单价高等原因造成的电费成本较高的问题,在分析电费组成及电费影响因素的基础上,结合当前电力体制改革政策,通过提高生产效率、缩短生产故障停时、细化生产组织管理、避高峰组织生产、降低力调电费等措施,来降低三星选煤厂用电成本。改进措施实施后,三星选煤厂装机总功率由原来的2 794 kW降低至2 778 kW;原煤处理量由280 t/h提高至380 t/h;生产故障停时由每生产100 h停3 h缩短至1 h;总的生产时间中“谷时段”生产的比例由45%提高至60%左右。通过改进,吨原煤用电成本由4.25元降低至2.79元,每年可为企业节约电费175.2万元,10个月可收回成本。


      Abstract: The equipment used in coal preparation operations are mostly large ones. Strengthening power management is, therefore, of vital importance for stabilizing power transmission, improving energy efficiency, and curtailing operating costs. The high cost of electricity incurred at Sanxing Coal Preparation Plant is attributed to the high unit consumption and high unit price of electricity. In order to tackle this problem, an analysis is made of the cost structure and the influencing factors causing the high cost of electricity. Based on result of analysis, and in line with the current national policy on reform of power system, a host of targeted measures is adopted by the plant. These include improvement of coal washing efficiency, reducing of time of shutdown caused by equipment failures, practice of fine management mode, arrangement of production to stagger the peak-load periods, and increase of power with reactive-load compensation equipment. Practice shows implementation of these measures has led to reduction of the total installed capacity of the plant to 2778 kW from previously 2794 kW; increase of raw coal treating capacity to 380 t/h from 280 t/h; cut of the time of shutdown caused by failure of equipment to one hour from 3 hours for every 100 hours of raw coal treated; rise of the share of the time period of coal washing operation at valley-load periods from 45% to around 60% of the total operating time; drop of power cost from 4.25 yuan to 2.79 yuan per ton of raw coal treated; and a save of electricity cost of 1.752 million yuan per year. The total input costs for implementing the above mentioned measures can be recouped in a period of 10 months.


