刘 敏. 曲线溜槽在红柳洗煤厂的应用[J]. 选煤技术,2024,52(2):68−72. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2024.02.010
    引用本文: 刘 敏. 曲线溜槽在红柳洗煤厂的应用[J]. 选煤技术,2024,52(2):68−72. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2024.02.010
    LIU Min. Application of the curved coal chute at Hongliu Coal Preparation Plant[J]. Coal Preparation Technology,2024,52(2):68−72. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2024.02.010
    Citation: LIU Min. Application of the curved coal chute at Hongliu Coal Preparation Plant[J]. Coal Preparation Technology,2024,52(2):68−72. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2024.02.010


    Application of the curved coal chute at Hongliu Coal Preparation Plant

    • 摘要: 针对原有直线溜槽在块煤转载过程中存在的块煤破碎率高,易堵塞,内壁磨损严重以及更换难度大的难题,基于原煤煤质分析,红柳洗煤厂以218#弛张筛为试验单元,将原直线溜槽更换为自主研制的带有弧度的曲线溜槽,并通过物料筛分试验对比了改造前后溜槽转载的块煤破碎率。生产实践表明:曲线溜槽不仅不易堵塞,而且可减小物料冲击力,减少了下滑阻力;曲线溜槽降低了物料下落过程中与溜槽之间的撞击力与摩擦力,减少了物料的破碎和溜槽的破损,使溜槽出料端 > 50 mm粒级块煤产率平均降低了1.14 个百分点,块煤破碎率较改造前降低了0.39 个百分点,年增加经济效益约186.8万元。改造完成后,该厂不仅降低了块煤破碎率,还提高了块煤转运效率,有效提高了重选分选设备的工艺性能,进而降低了生产成本和检修成本。


      Abstract: The problems encountered with the use of the original linear chute for transfer of coarse coal involve high percent of size reduction of coarse coal, proneness to blockage, severe wear of inner wall, and difficulty in replacement of chute. To address these issues, following an analysis of the raw coal property, test is made on the transfer of the coarse coal product of the plant′s 218# flip-flop screen with an independently developed curved chute in place of the linear chute. Then the figures of size reduction of coarse coal passing through the chute before and after the use of the curved chute are compared through screen analysis. Practice shows that the curved chute is unapt to get clogged up, and both impact force and downslide resisting force are reduced; the bumping force of the coal and the friction between the coal and the surface of the chute produced by downfall of coal are both decreased, resulting in therefore less reduction of size of coal; and at the discharge end of the chute, the breakage rate of the >50 mm coal drops by 1.14 percentage points on average, down by 0.39 percentage point compared with the figure before the use of the curved chute, creating an additional economic gains of around 1.868 million yuan for the plant per year. Shifting to the use of the curved chute has led to not only less breakage rate of coarse coal, but also higher coal transfer efficiency, improved performance of heavy-medium separation system, and noticeably reduced operating and maintenance costs.


