包永鹏. 工业固废资源化综合利用的策略与实践[J]. 选煤技术,2024,52(3):9−16. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2024.03.002
    引用本文: 包永鹏. 工业固废资源化综合利用的策略与实践[J]. 选煤技术,2024,52(3):9−16. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2024.03.002
    BAO Yongpeng. Strategy and practice of comprehensive resource utilization of industrial solid waste[J]. Coal Preparation Technology,2024,52(3):9−16. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2024.03.002
    Citation: BAO Yongpeng. Strategy and practice of comprehensive resource utilization of industrial solid waste[J]. Coal Preparation Technology,2024,52(3):9−16. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2024.03.002


    Strategy and practice of comprehensive resource utilization of industrial solid waste

    • 摘要: 为解决我国钢铁板块带来的钢铁固废和粉煤灰等工业固废的资源化利用问题,采用案例分析和实地调研的方法,以酒钢集团在尾矿悬浮磁化焙烧和粉煤灰资源化利用为例,探索并提出了一系列综合利用策略:通过加强政府与企业的联合,鼓励具备条件的科研单位和企业共同发展共享性质的试验、检测、中试及大规模试验平台,并促进高等教育机构、科研机构与科技创新企业之间的紧密协作,构建“产学研用”一体化通道,促进工业固废综合利用的新理论、新技术、新模式的形成;地质聚合物凭借其独特的三维网络结构和优异的性能,可作为土木工程材料、耐火材料和吸附材料等应用于多个领域,还可作为一种替代水泥的聚合胶凝材料,有助于减少建筑行业的碳排放;针对目前以硅酸盐水泥或者矿渣水泥为主的矿山充填料的整体强度要求不高,造成资源浪费和增加成本的问题,可利用工业固体废弃物部分或者完全替代水泥制备新型胶凝材料进行胶结充填;从源头上拓宽固废的处置和利用途径,探索规模化、低投资、高效益的固废处理方法,实现固废的资源化利用,使工业固废处置更加多元化。结果表明,通过拓展利用领域、发挥标准引领作用、加强上下游协同及实施多元化处置策略,可以有效提升固废的资源化利用率,尤其是地质聚合物技术在固废处理中显示出显著的环境效益和应用潜力。为实现固废的资源化综合利用,需要政府、企业和研究机构的共同努力,对现有处置方法进行创新和改进,以推动工业固废向高附加值产品的转化,促进绿色经济的发展。


      Abstract: In order to solve the problem of turning solid waste such as scraps and flyash produced by steel works in China into useful resources, JISCO Group′s successful practice of making use of flyash and suspension magnetization roasted tailings as industrial resources is cited as an example to explore the way for comprehensive utilization of solid waste. Based on the case study and field investigation, a series of strategies is proposed as follows: strengthening cooperation between governments and related enterprises and encouraging the eligible research institutions and enterprises to co-develop shared experimental, testing, pilot-scale and industrial testing platforms; promoting close collaboration between institutions of higher learning, research organs and sci-tech innovation enterprises to develop a pathway that integrates production, learning, research and utilization, so as to advance the emergence of new theories, new techniques and new modes with respect to comprehensive utilization of industrial waste; thanks to the unique 3-dimensional reticular structure and excellent performance, the geopolymer can find applications in various fields, and its use as building refractory and adsorbing material or as a polymeric gelatinizing material in place of cement can help reduce carbon emissions of building industry; the use of portland or slag-based cement as underground worked-out area backfilling material is a waste of resource and is high in cost. Since no strict requirement is placed on the strength of the backfilling material, the use of industrial waste as a new cemented backfill can partly or completely replace cement; expanding the solid waste disposal and utilization channels at the source and seeking treatment methods which are low in capital cost, good in economic performance and high in capacity to allow the solid waste to be disposed of in a diversified manner. Study results show that through expanding utilization fields, giving full play to the guiding role of standards, strengthening upstream and downstream coordination, and practice of diversified disposal strategies, the percentage of solid waste utilized as industrial resources can be effectively increased; particularly, the use of geopolymer shows noticeably favorable environmental benefit and utilization potential; for realizing comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste, the solid waste treatment methods currently applied need to be innovated and improved by governments, enterprises and research institutions through concerted efforts, so as to promote the transformation of industrial solid waste into high value-added products and drive the growth of green economy.


