
    Discussion on appropriate coal slime reduction and dewatering technologies for use by coal sector

    • 摘要: 为合理利用煤炭资源,实现煤泥减量化目标,通过分析煤泥产生的原因,综述了从煤炭开采源头到煤炭洗选过程中的各种煤泥减量方法。分析认为:在保证煤炭粒度不超限、不堵仓的前提下,煤炭开采过程中尽量保块并减少矸石混入是煤泥减量化的最理想方式;脱粉入选可减少原煤见水量,是洗选系统实现煤泥减量化的最直接途径,但应避免煤炭开采过程及转载环节喷水过多,影响脱粉效率;对于洗选过程中产生的次生煤泥,则应注意工艺的制定及设备的选择。对于煤泥的提质减量,可通过浮选将煤泥“吃干榨净”,炼焦煤选煤厂浮选尾煤脱水后直接掺入矸石,以不产出煤泥为目标,动力煤选煤厂利用煤泥浮选则可从煤泥中抽出精煤,减少煤泥量;而煤泥高压、超高压压滤脱水设备技术先进,可对煤泥充分降水并细碎掺回混煤销售,进而减少煤泥量;此外,水洗与干选相结合,可减少大块矸石的破碎量及见水量,也可有效减少煤泥量。目前煤泥减量技术中尚存不足,例如超高压压滤还应不断技术创新来降低设备成本,煤泥干燥方面应继续积极开拓清洁高效的干燥技术,并降低干燥成本。


      Abstract: For realizing rational utilization of coal resources and achieving the coal slime reduction target, an analysis is made of the causes leading to the generation of coal slime. Based on the analysis made, various methods for reduction of the slime generated from the source by mining operations and during coal cleaning process are proposed. Analysis shows under the prerequisite that the incoming coal for cleaning is not over the limit in size and there is no possibility to block coal storage bunkers, increasing as much as possible the output of lump coal and avoiding ingress of dirt into raw coal are an ideal slime reduction approach; preremoval of fines from raw coal to be cleaned can reduce the amount of water in contact with the raw coal, a direct way for reduction of generation of slime; lesser spray water should be used during coal mining and transfer process for avoiding producing adverse effect on fine coal removal efficiency; for reducing the generation of secondary slime during coal cleaning process, the key lies in selection of coal cleaning process and equipment; for reduction and upgrading of coal slime, the flotation system needs to be used to have it thoroughly recovered, the flotation tailing product of coking coal plant should be directly blended with refuse product after dewatering for achieving the goal of reducing the output of slime, the power coal plant should make endeavor to recover the beneficiated product through flotation process for reduction of output of slime; in-depth dewatering of slime can be made with the use of technologically sophisticated ultrahigh-pressure filter press and the dewatered cake product can be sold after fine crushing and blending with clean coal; the percentage of breakage of gangue and the amount of water in contact with the gangue can also be reduced by adoption of wet and dry combined coal cleaning processes; there still exist some insufficiencies in slime reduction technologies, and for instance, the ultrahigh-pressure filtration technology needs to be continuously innovated for reducing the equipment cost while in the field of drying of slime, vigorous effect should be directed toward the development of clean and high-efficiency slime drying technology and reduction of the costs incurred.


