
    Study of the ways for making comprehensive utilization of gangue and refuse produced by coal mines under Kailuan (Group) Limited Liability Corporation

    • 摘要: 不同的煤矸石利用途径对煤矸石理化性质和矿物成分要求不同,对环境的影响也不同。在对开滦集团部分煤矿煤矸石分类的基础上,对煤矸石样品的化学成分、矿物成分、重金属含量、工业分析等物理化学性质进行研究分析。研究结果表明:不同来源的煤矸石在物化性质上呈现出不一样的特性,开拓矸石和手选矸石可直接用于回填塌陷坑、井下充填等,洗选矸石适合制备建筑材料、生物菌肥和用作回填复垦材料等。该研究结合了现有的煤矸石综合利用技术以及矿井生产的实际需求,确定了开滦各煤矿煤矸石综合利用方向,达到了差异化利用煤矸石、煤矸石分质分级利用的目的。


      Abstract: The difference ways for making use of gangue and refuse place different requirements on their physiochemical properties and mineral compositions, and differ in environmental impacts. Analysis of the physiochemical properties of the classified gangue and refuse samples, such as the chemical and mineral compositions, contents of heavy metals, as well as proximate analysis are conducted. Analysis shows that the gangue and refuse of different sources exhibit different characteristics; and the waste produced by development separations and the handpicked waste can be directly used as backfill of subsided area or for underground stowing while the refuse coming from coal cleaning operations is suitable for use as building material, biological bacterial manure or for land reclamation. The study is made based on the requirements placed on the technologies for comprehensive utilization of such waste currently available and in line with the actual needs of coal mines. Through the study, the ways for making comprehensive utilization of the waste produced by different mines of Kailuan Corporation are determined, allowing the gangue and refuse to be utilized on a differentiated basis according to quality and grade.


