李鹏波,宋 军,申迎松,等. 基于精确控制的王坡选煤厂配煤系统优化[J]. 选煤技术,2024,52(5):1−6.
    引用本文: 李鹏波,宋 军,申迎松,等. 基于精确控制的王坡选煤厂配煤系统优化[J]. 选煤技术,2024,52(5):1−6.
    LI Pengbo, SONG Jun, SHEN Yingsong, et al. Wangpo Coal Preparation Plant′s existing coal blending system turned into an accurately controlled one through optimization[J]. Coal Preparation Technology,2024,52(5):1−6.
    Citation: LI Pengbo, SONG Jun, SHEN Yingsong, et al. Wangpo Coal Preparation Plant′s existing coal blending system turned into an accurately controlled one through optimization[J]. Coal Preparation Technology,2024,52(5):1−6.


    Wangpo Coal Preparation Plant′s existing coal blending system turned into an accurately controlled one through optimization

    • 摘要: 针对目前传统配煤方式精度低、可靠性差、生产数据滞后,从而造成产品质量波动大的问题,王坡选煤厂提出了基于精确控制的配煤系统优化方案,包括安装灰分仪和搅拌器、模拟量化电动闸板开度、自动精确配煤控制、双洗选系统配煤等措施,实现了自动精确配煤。生产实践表明:优化后配煤系统运行稳定;煤质正常的情况下,配煤前后灰分的标准偏差变化不大;煤质异常时,掺配后灰分的标准偏差显著变小,由配煤前的2.25降低至0.57;在煤质较差时,单独使用A系统生产的末精煤掺配仍无法满足产品质量要求,而双洗选系统配煤的方式能有效降低产品灰分,与单独使用A系统产品配煤相比,灰分由27.09%降至25.03%,灰分的标准偏差由1.81降至0.84,在满足产品质量要求的前提下进一步优化了配煤效果;实现自动精确配煤后,每年可少配精煤2.2万t,提高公司经济效益约880万元。通过配煤的精确控制,提高了产品质量,减少了煤炭资源的浪费,使得煤炭资源得到了更加合理的利用。


      Abstract: The problems with the use of traditional coal blending systems are low accuracy and reliability and delayed action, causing the blended coal product to fluctuate widely in quality. To deal with this situation, an optimized coal blending scheme capable of being accurately controlled is proposed. Through addition of ash meter and mixer, execution of electric gate position quantitative simulation and coal blending automatic control, as well as use of two coal washing systems, the coal blending operations can be made in an automatic and accurate manner. Practice shows that the system can maintain a stable operation; when raw coal remains normal in quality, the standard deviation of ash of coal before and after blending shows only a slight change while in the case that the raw coal is abnormal in quality, the said deviation is noticeably lowered from 2.25 before blending to 0.57; if raw coal quality deteriorates, and the ash of the blended coal cannot drop to the level as required with solely the clean small coal of the washing system A as the blend, the clean coal products of both washing systems can be used as blends for effective reduction of ash of blended coal product; with the use of the clean coal products from both systems as blends, the ash of blended product can be reduced from 27.09% to 25.03%, with the standard deviation decreasing from 1.81 to 0.84; while ensuring the required quality of blended coal , an optimized coal blending effect can be achieved; and 22,000 tons of clean coal can be saved per year, creating, as a result, an additional economic revenue of around 8.8 million yuan for the company. The use of the blending system can lead to upgrading of blended coal product and reduction waste of coal resource, allowing the coal resource to be utilized in a more rational manner.


