王红燕,陈敬胜. 浓度壶法的优化与实践[J]. 选煤技术,2024,52(6):1−5.
    引用本文: 王红燕,陈敬胜. 浓度壶法的优化与实践[J]. 选煤技术,2024,52(6):1−5.
    WANG Hongyan, CHEN Jingsheng. The pot method for measuring flotation pulp concentration: optimization and practice[J]. Coal Preparation Technology,2024,52(6):1−5.
    Citation: WANG Hongyan, CHEN Jingsheng. The pot method for measuring flotation pulp concentration: optimization and practice[J]. Coal Preparation Technology,2024,52(6):1−5.


    The pot method for measuring flotation pulp concentration: optimization and practice

    • 摘要: 为快速准确地检测浮选入料浓度,采用全自动真密度检测仪测定了不同煤泥的实际真相对密度,并依此制作了新的浓度对照表,同时对浓度壶法的测量量具类型也进行了优化。结果表明:通过制作新的浓度对照表,并采用量筒代替浓度壶、精密天平替代低精度天平的方式,可有效降低浓度壶法的测量误差;选十级精煤时,平均误差在4 g/L以内,选四级精煤时,平均误差可精确到2 g/L,检测用时一般在5 min以内。浓度壶法优化后兼顾了浓度检测的及时性和准确性,取得了良好的应用效果。


      Abstract: In order to make it possible to realize rapid determination of concentration of flotation pulp, the true relative densities of different fine coal are determined using fully-automatic true density meter, and based on measured values, a new pulp concentration table for comparison is worked out. Besides, the types of measuring apparatuses used are also optimized. Practice shows that with availability of the new table, and through replacing measuring pot and low-precision balance respectively with graduated cylinder and high-precision balance. The measuring error of the pot method can be effectively reduced; and for producing the grade-10 concentrate, the mean measuring error is less than 4 g/L while for producing grade-4 concentrate, the mean error can be lowered down to 2 g/L, and the measurement can be generally executed within 5 minutes. The use of the optimized pot method can ensure both timeliness and accuracy of pulp concentration measurement, well demonstrating its effectiveness.


